Ok, so woke up today feeling considerably better than I went to bed last night, so must have had some chill or something. Been fine today. Working on ID3 tags in audio files and LIST in wav files. Oh the excitement. Anyway, got it all working in the end, now need to replicate the same on iOS. Fixed up all the latest on iOS anyway, so ready to give it a blast now.
Took the dog for a walk, weather held out, it was quite a nice afternoon. Did more work. Still no cleaner, I’ve phoned round a couple now need to ‘interview’ them. Updated WordPress, updated the torture porn blog. Drinking Smirnoff Ice…what’s this. Well I’ve decided that spending five nights in the gym is now being perhaps somewhat excessive and it means I get very little time to do anything else. I’m accelerating towards death at an alarming rate, but I don’t need a six pack to enter hell. So for the time being I’ve decided not to go on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and do something more (or less) interesting instead. May be read a book once in a while, or talk to the husband (no, may be not). Anyway this evening will be taken up by watching tele, then hopefully in the morning my legs won’t absolutely kill.