So started this morning fixing up a couple of Android issues on the current project. Spent quite a long time hunting for a crash bug. Found it in the end. We’ve decided not to do any further work on the concept game after everyone who’d tried it decided it actually wasn’t a very interesting game. This happens, quite often in the industry. What you think is a great game concept on paper, may just not work and make an interesting game. It’s nothing to get annoyed or upset about, but best to spot these things early on. You can always reuse bits and pieces of it to limit the amount of time wasted. Still, new upcoming project is a real real big one if it goes ahead properly, a hell of a lot of work, but very interesting.
Walked the dog. We had a nice long walk today as she needs to lose a bit of weight (don’t we all). Finally booked a hygienist appointment at the dentist. Had to lie a bit about my last check-up date, no doubt they will moan somewhat about that tomorrow. I will then probably have to go back later next week and spend a bloody fortune.
Did Body Combat, no Sarah tonight as she has a cold. I try not to do colds. Did some more work, more tidying up Android. Then did some more Japanese course work stuff. It’s coming on, lots of flash cards, it will come.