Woke up and provided breakfast for the troops. Felt very bloaty, to many carbs last night. Drank coffee, read the paper. Walked the dogs. Then it was time to go up to Staverton. Got there in good time. Quite a low cloud base and the wind had picked up to varying 13-22 knots. We took off straight into circuits, fighting the wind was actually quite a challenge. We spent the whole hour doing circuits, I gang the hang of it in the end. My landings were getting better and better. We also did a few engine off autorotation landings, which were a bit pant wetting. Doing a 360 degree lookout turn in 22 knots is bloody difficult. We kept to the hour, fun anyway.
Drove back and looked at the video footage, all pretty good. I have enough now I think to do a decent edited video.
Did the accounts, failed to win items on Ebay. Looking for a new sat-nav, failing. Ate some chicken in a Chinese sauce. Jamie is away tomorrow, I have a fun day painting skirting boards.