Today was all about shaders again. This is beginning to be a recurring theme. The only break I had was looking at an issue with fibers. Thankfully shader wise, this batch is pretty much finished. There is one crash in the platform compiler which I’ve had to refer back to the supplier.
My UPS arrived, I knew they said it would be securely packed, but I wasn’t expecting it to me strapped to a full-sized wooden pallet. It’s still strapped to it as I needed to order some socket converters. It isn’t going anywhere, mainly because it weighs a ton.
Went to the gym and abused the cross trainer for an hour. Came back and played around with the CX2. To cut and short flight even shorter I managed to fly it up into the kitchen light and take the bulb out, spraying glass everywhere. Wrecked the bodywork and broke the landing skids. Fifteen quid on eBay later and a new lightbulb it was time to eat salad. Still felt hungry to finished it off with macaroni cheese and toast. Avoided wine. Actually now in bed fairly early. Dillon at daycare tomorrow. I have another exciting day with shaders.