So today we had some fun issues with this link optimisation. We do weird things with the library binaries and this optimisation causes the libs to be compressed. So that’s all a bit up in the air at the moment and had to be removed. Then spent a load of time with the renderer to stop it rolling contexts, which is all rather complicated. Very cold again today. Walked the dogs. Got my serial number for Traktor Pro, so will have fun playing with that at some point. I’m still undecided about this model flying club thing, not sure I want to take anything else on at the moment, plus it does mean I would have to socialise, and I don’t really do that sort of thing. I may wait until I have my PPL(H), that needs a hell of a lot more effort at the moment, lots of exams still to pass. I think I’m going to be flying for the next couple of weekends, already booked in for Saturday. Went for a run. Came back and bottled the last lot of wine, which is the red, got near enough thirty-one bottles out of that one. That’s it now on the wine front, may get a couple more kits after Christmas.