Back to the normal routine pretty much today. Shopping arrived, coffee was drunk. I attempted to go for a run but it started pissing down as soon as I left the house so cut it rather short.
Today I was supposed to be doing an SDK upgrade, but ended up fixing a shader compiler problem which was pissing me off. I never really did find the cause of the problem, but at least I managed to find a way around it. Synced to the bank using Microsoft Money on the main machine, all worked fine. It’s good to see a program that is fourteen years old still serves me as well today as it ever did. I’ve never found anything else that has come close, or will indeed sixteen years worth of my dull accounts data. I’m sure one day it will fail, I will then have to die as I will no longer be able to trace my financial transactions. I then did the yearly cull of all the filing and receipts. Now gone to a box in the loft, where it will sit forever more for no purpose whatsoever.
My Gyro’s have arrived from the US, which is pretty bloody good going.
Went to the gym and did Pump. Increased my weights by 2Kg again. I’m now sweating in Pump, I never sweated in Pump before. I really felt it, which was actually a pretty good feeling. I did a couple of music CD’s for Laverne, so asked her for some free weights sessions in return. So I’ll do those when my neck is fully restored. Saying that, it’s actually pretty good at the moment. I think January I will continue to consume all the bad food and alcohol as I have yet more social engagements coming up, but February I think I need to hit hard. Sort the diet out a bit better, may be exchange the sausage roll for a chicken breast, get the protein up if I’m doing more weights. Cut down on the alcohol. Stop eating so much bloody cheese.
So tomorrow we are off to Bournemouth for Jim’s (Jamie’s granddad) 80th birthday bash. I’m sure it will be kind of fun, to some extent. As long as it’s not torrential rain while driving there.