Yet another bloody day on this compute shader. Still not working, but slightly wiser as to why. Have another bug to sort out now though. One for tomorrow that. Had to wait for a courier so Sasha only got half hour today. I’ve decided to eBay a load of stuff, so if you are reading this then this lot is going cheap, to the point of if it doesn’t sell it’s going in a skip. The original cost of this lot is about five grand. Anyway, a pair of Tannoy DC2000 speakers, big floor standers, in okay condition and perfect working order. A pair of Celestion bookshelf speakers. A Jamo centre 100 speaker. Topfield PVR. A high end Denon multi-region DVD player which also does WMA/MP4 and other formats. A DVD/Video combo recorder. A high end tape deck. A Pioneer THX RDS A/V amp. This beast is about 120 watts per channel and cost over two grand originally. A nice A/V cabinet with smoked glass doors and a TV unit, just over a meter long. Also a Sony Blu-ray player. All going, if I get no bids they will all get chucked. Forgot one, a Yamaha subwoofer. So if anyone wants anything then leave me a message.
Went out this evening for a walk, turned into a bit of a two and a half hour marathon. Had a shower. Torture porn night.
This trip we are planning on taking just happens to coincide with the Monaco Grand Prix, that really was purely luck. So we either try and be somewhere else that weekend, or try and be there. It would be rude not to really wouldn’t it.