Woke up this morning to the radio alarm, with an A320 going down in the Alps, killing all on board. And that’s a very reliable aircraft, bit of a mystery that one at the moment.
Got up and got on with it. Managed to get my ‘bug’ down to one draw call. So set that off to support. Spent the rest of the day doing battle with power point. Got the demo of the latest one. Managed to produce twenty-five slides so far. Walked Sasha in the rain. Went out for a walk later in the rain. Did two hours of studying meteorology, I now know what wind is. Disassembled the TV unit, I’ve tried to book that all to be collected. TV is currently on the floor, I may assemble the rack tomorrow. Richer Sounds has the centre speaker in, so I may go and pick that up Thursday. Jamie has been busy with my credit card, we almost have a holiday booked.