So started this morning with breakfast, coffee and reading the paper. Then I ended up spending about two hours doing the base line for ‘Are friends electric’ in Garage Band. Mainly as Ableton was just determined to annoy me. Then spent another two hours trying to get the USB mixer to work. I guess I’m asking a bit much really. I want the DAW to output to the mixer, mix with the synth and then input back to the Mac. Plus I want to monitor it in the headphones. I kind of got it to work in the end using some extra patch cables and feeding it back via another channel. I think the better way to do it would be to just output the whole thing to the mixer using Ableton and record back in there. I can then play it back through Ableton straight to a wav file. Anyway. Walked into town, got Jamie a card and something overpriced from Superdry. Did the accounts. Then we went out to the ‘Swan Hotel’, which is just a shame it’s not really walking distance. Had a very poncy dinner. Nice place, not a chav in sight. I had the trout, and for eighteen quid, that was pretty much all you got on the plate. Oh apart from ‘textures of beetroot’, which basically meant two squares of the stuff. Then oddly it seemed to come accompanied by it’s own dessert, there was some weird pink stuff and a raspberry sauce. There was a common theme to the meal though, it had to contain beetroot and raspberry sauce. Still, we signed up to the VIP card, you get a tenner off when you spend two hundred quid. We’re halfway there already, and I only ordered a large bottle of still water.