So fiddling with ACME trying to get it to add the backup route, but annoyingly as the backup is a dynamic IP address it doesn’t exist as an A or a CNAME record, it therefore doesn’t recognise the domain name, tried a few aliases and stuff but it really wasn’t having it. I have a feeling actually it’s the webroot on the firewall which is the issue rather than the domain name itself. Still, it’s working with the primary domain name and it’s a free certificate which should hopefully renew itself, so fairly happy days.
In other happy days I paid my corporation tax, was unable to issue my final dividend as I’m waiting on one savings interest payment. I did though do a complete financial planning spreadsheet, it makes interesting reading, actually it doesn’t, but the results are interesting. It’s certainly something I’m going to be very mindful of.
Meanwhile, I wonder if I can use that ACME thing to generate certificates for my main server….