So Saturday started off with a good lie-in. Then after feeding everyone I spent ages cruising web sites looking at DSLR camera reviews. I have an old Canon EOS400D, but that doesn’t shoot video. I was looking at the Canon 650D, but it’s been discontinued. So after lots of reviews I decided on the 700D. Also I found a shop in Bristol that was cheaper than Amazon.
Walked the dogs, miserable weather again. Popped into Tesco’s as they seem to be selling a load of stuff off cheap at the moment, didn’t get anything. Had lunch, then picked up some crickets. Then drove over to Cotham, parked up and walked into town. Picked up a couple of bits then started heading to camera shops. Had a ply around with the 700D. Ending up buying that and a 40mm F2.8 lens, got a good deal on it with cash back.
Came home and got straight on with the accounts. Had a shower and then picked up Sarah and Shaun. We spent the evening in the dining room chatting, eating pizza and playing with the arcade machine. Jamie had picked up some WiiU games cheap so we popped them on. There was a party one in which we had to do weird things like scoop up water and then carry it across the room. There was a another one where we had to do folk dancing round the controller. We really aren’t designed for folk dancing. It was great to play after a few beers.
This morning started with finally kicking Jamie out of bed to get me breakfast. We then had a fairly leisurely in bed. We kicked the dogs off the bed and did adult things. Got up. Set up the 700D, played around with the different lenses, the standard kit lens is an 18-55mm, this is a good starer lens. It has a usable zoom, with good image stabalisation and also a stepper motor for the auto focus. I then changed to the 40mm pancake lens and took a few test shots. Jamie eventually got up and we took the dogs to the field, they had a good runaround. Came back, did a home check for a couple of cats. Then played with the 40mm lens again. Took some fantastic shots of Jamie and the dogs, the depth of field on it is awesome. I did a test video but the auto focus is a bit noisy and the sound isn’t great, so need to play around with that a bit more.
We went to Frankie & Benny’s for dinner, very good, I was good and had chicken and pasta. Think I’ll have a bath, haven’t had one since Wednesday. Dirty bugger.