So once again woke without any kind of hangover. Still was very tired and achy though, due to yesterdays laminate flooring exercise. Powered up and cracked on with work. Got into it all fairly quickly today. Had a few bugs to fix and then on with multi-threading common constant buffers. All went according to plan even if I didn’t get quite as much done as I anticipated. It’s all working anyway, so thats good.
Walked the dogs, it was freezing.
Went to Combat, that seemed to fly by. Came back and did some more work. Had to do a data build so got on with finishing the video. It’s now all done and uploading. My new backup drive arrived and that’s running at the same time so it’s taking forever. My new tripod has also arrived, which is still in the box from Amazon. Need to start making a shopping list of trip requirements.
I’m looking at a Tamron lens 24-70 F2.8, so will be good in low light but also have great depth of field. If I manage the entire month off the bottle then I’ll get it.