Today was still all about bloody GUI. And building data, all day hanging around building bloody data. Cleaners turned up, not sure how long they were here. But they seemed very proud that they cleaned my patio door. Then I come down to the kitchen and find the toaster has been relocated, the chopping board is nowhere to be found and the tin opener is now the other side of the room. Look, I pay you to clean my house, not Feng Shui my fucking kitchen. I’m sure I’ll come down one day and find the bed in the middle of the lounge. The excuse will be, “It allows the East-West winds to flow freely and the dragon can come in and savour the sun”, ah, fuck off.
Weather is still looking shit tomorrow, so that’s it now until the weekend I expect. Went to Pump, using by far the heaviest weights, this is just so I can gurn at myself in the mirror. Came back, did more work, then added the last lot of finings to the wine. Just wait for it to clear now.