Started a few minutes later than I should of, but at the end of the day, due to conducting an interview I ended up working almost an extra hour anyway. Spent all day running up and downstairs looking at the telly. Still working on HDR stuff, very interesting. Need to add a load of debugging features to it really rather than just guessing at everything, getting good results at the moment though. Walked Sasha in the rain. Went for a run in the rain. Having another early night I think, I’m getting quite into a book I’m reading at the moment.
Author Archives: Admin
Upstairs downstairs
Had an interesting day traipsing up and down stairs. I have one PS4 setup downstairs on the HDR 4K TV, the controlling PC is upstairs. Still, good for exercise. Weather was mild but wet again. Walked Sasha. Walked to the gym, did Combat. Walked home. Ate fairly early for me. Going to have an early night and read a book.
Life is so much easier if your plaster is not two years out of date
Started this morning slowly. To the point the dogs got me up to let them out for a pee and I went back to sleep. Had coffee and breakfast for three at about 11:30. Jamie had already gotten up at about 4:30. Rearranged the bedroom ready for work. Took Sasha out on a nice long walk to make up for yesterdays poor weather. Got back and Jamie was home from work. PVA’d the work area. Put up some Crimbo lights outside and then mixed up some plaster. It’s so much easier to work with if it’s in date. Got the bulk of it all finished. Ordered something from Amazon at about 12PM, it arrived by 6PM, that’s just a bit odd. Bottled the Chenin Blanc, twenty eight bottles and one of cloudy stuff. Had a bath and phoned mother. Her ‘Lady Shave’ arrived, they are all battery powered these days. So bought her a plug-in charger and some batteries as well. I can just hear the moaning now…..
That’s just salad dressing
Odd thing happened this morning, Jamie miss heard me and thought I’d said, “Put on celery”, to which I replied, “That would be salad dressing”. That was the best pun of the day. Had two lots of coffee and read the paper. Is Harry On the Boat? (Google it). Then we got up. Went to a Homebase and a B&Q, I bought plaster, Jamie bought Christmas decorations. Weather today was absolute shit. We put up the Christmas tree. Had a shower, few glasses of wine, early night. Incidentally my chest has been mostly fine today. Still looking forward to death. Plastering tomorrow.
So my foray into SLI and Crossfire is over
Had another fun day of chest pains, looking forward to death, even picked out a casket, it’s blue, like the infinity. Actually wasn’t as bad as yesterday. Finished off the SLI / Crossfire work and checked it all in. Walked Sasha. It’s been very mild the last few days. Walked to the gym, did Pump, walked home. Basically I’ve doubled the frame rate in ten days on multi-gpu systems. Yey.
If you have two GPU’s then it should be double the speed….
Started this morning feeling ill, it didn’t get much better. Failed to get a doctors appointment. I had constant chest pains and problems breathing. I blame Stephen V and his constant quest for better performance in VR. Oddly it all felt better when I walked the dog. Working today on nVidia SLi scaling, started at 80%, finished at 100%. Quite pleased with that. Finished work and then went for an 8 mile run. Felt fine. Transferred wine for second fermentation, the other one is still clearing. Looking forward to a week off at Christmas and then possible death, it is after all December.
“That’s another death in December”, don’t worry there’s still time for you yet
So today I swapped over to nVidia. Had a lot of teething troubles with the API but finally got it all working. Zen have indeed upgraded my line to ‘Fibre 2’, I now have 80mbps down and 20mbps up. That’s not bad for a line that BT said I’d get 20mbps down on a good day. Very mild weather at the moment. Walked Sasha. This evening I walked to the gym, did Pump and walked home. Went to transfer the wine, fucked it up and got sediment in it, so poured it back and it will have to clear again. The other one will be ready for it’s first transfer tomorrow.
Mother sent me a text the beginning of the week, ‘Uncle Henry passed during the night, that’s another one in December’, I thought, ‘well there’s still time for you yet’. I must admit I’d only met the guy about five times in my entire lifetime. I may pop along to Canford for the burn up, he was ninety odd, good innings, God bless you.
So I had a regrade that hasn’t regraded
Had an horrendous sleepless night. But had a call from Zen this morning about changing my fibre package, I agreed to the extra three quid a month for the potential of almost double the speed. Order went through and processed. Apparently completed but no sign of regrade yet.
Spent all day trying to get video to work correctly on multi-cpu setups. Failed. Walked Sasha. It was surprisingly warm today considering. Went for a walk this evening. Sterilised thirty wine bottles, I’ll do the transfer tomorrow and start bottling.
Fibre, go go go
So Kelly Communications were across the road at about 9:30 this morning, line went down and then came back about ten minutes later. As I expected it maxed the line out at 10mbps up and 40mbps down with a 25dB margin. So plenty more available in the line. Zen haven’t got back to me yet.
Work was fine, spent ages trying to trace an issue, in the end I just changed how it worked. Very moody cold again. Walked Sasha. Walked to gym this evening and did Combat, walked home. Ate salad. Feeling very tired.
Don’t try and use two year old plaster
So started this morning reading the paper, what I should have done yesterday. Decided to split the day up a bit. So started knocking the shit out of the existing plaster in the bedroom. Then took Sasha out for a walk. By this time Jamie was home, he’d done an eight hour shift and I’d barely got out of bed. PVA’d the wall and then mixed up some plaster. All I had left was some two year old plaster, lesson here, don’t use out of date plaster, it sets in about ten seconds flat. So gave up on that and tidied up. Did the accounts and tidied up. Had a nice bath. Spoke to Captain James. Had an existential crises about being two low over the golf course yesterday, he pointed out that if you put a golf course right next to a runway then that’s what they should expect. Went back over some old videos and noticed that I was about the same height on takeoff anyway, so just over analysing shit again. I will point out that at no point was anything ‘unsafe’, it was just perhaps, ‘undesirable’ as in, I was not at the correct height at the correct time. But when you have an aircraft full of passengers and one of them is your mother-in-law, you are some what under pressure. Anyway, hell Mary’s were said, and I was forgiven, but told to hold 300 feet before final. We live and learn. My passengers all enjoyed the experience anyway. Once again I stress at no point was I in the state of vortex-ring or anything else dodgy, I just may have frighten a few golfers.
We are getting close to Christmas, which means we are almost at the end of another year. Life is accelerating at an alarming pace. I have a feeling if I fart I’m going to be eighty-five and on the verge of death.