Work today was hard. A lot of analysing some very heavy data sets. It was eight hours of seriously heavy going. In the end I think I’ve made a bit of a mistake though. Need time to think on it. But that time finished at 5:30PM. Walked to the gym, did Pump, walked home. My wine kits arrived. So started one this evening. It’s just warming up so haven’t added the yeast yet. Been going through Amazon and sending random Christmas present links to Jamie. Taking of which, I now have a certain box available….God knows whats happened to Dillon, he’s usually on the couch, but oh no, bum boy had a kabab, so he’s fucked off and gone to sleep upstairs.
Author Archives: Admin
Arduino fun
Started on time. Work was dull, lots of profiling and spreadsheet work. Walked Sasha bang on time. Finished bang on time also. Went for a run. Showered and it was still before 8PM. Now Amazon have been running black Friday for what seems like a month, I managed to pick up an Arduino kit for under half price on a lightening deal. It’s a Chinese copy, but the kit came packed with electronic parts as well as the micro controller itself. So spent a good hour or so just playing around with that. Managed to get an LED glowing using pulse-width-modulation. Simple things please simple people.
The Apple Watch will take a bit of getting used to
Started on time. What a bloody awfully weather wise, I mean it pissed down constantly from morning until the evening. Didn’t take Sasha out until 3PM and it still continued to piss down. When gym time came around it was a light drizzle. To be honest I got away pretty lightly. Did Combat and it was dry walking home. The Apple Watch tracks differently to the FitBit, it separates out the ‘active’ calories from the base rate, so the calculation looks different but the values come out almost the same. Will take a little while to get used to it.
Then I really didn’t do too much at all
Started this morning with much coffee and cruising Amazon as it’s black Friday week. Finally got up and walked Sasha for a couple of hours to try Apple Watch out. I’m still very much still getting used to it. It has a number of quirks and a number of bugs. Came back and had lunch. Then spent the rest of the day backing up videos to blu-ray discs and pissing about. Also tidied everything up somewhat. Had a bath and made a curry. This is what Sundays are made for.
So Leonardo said he was gay
Was in a kind of school field and Leonardo Dicaprio turned up. We got chatting. We’d met before of course. Then he turned round and said, ‘Doesn’t matter as I’m gay anyway’. Then I went to do Body Pump in the school hall. But Trudie had a problem with the music. It kept cutting out after thirty seconds. I had a look at her iPad, it was due to it having an intermittent internet connection. I managed to solve that. But we couldn’t do the Pump class as there were many people suddenly installing large tables and table cloths ready for a wedding. Then I woke up covered in cum. Then I woke up again. God I’m loving these new pills already. It’s like Citralopram without the sweats. I’m really looking forward to the point I wake up during the night screaming that I’m being attacked by a zombie. The rest of the day was pretty dull to be honest. Walked Sasha. Drove into town. Parked far too close to it. Forgot my phone. Went round some shops. Came home and built lego. Bah, can’t complain. Installed my new Apple Watch. Will take some getting used to. Fun day.
Thinking about getting my mother tattooed on my arse, so she can kiss it for the rest of my life
Started work on time, although only managed half an hour before I had to drive Jamie to the tattooists. Then spent the next three hours being a videographer to a ‘Sonic Show’ tattoo. It looks like a transfer. Got is he squeamish. I made a good job of the filming, Cat made a good job of the tattoo. Jamie made a good job of screaming and holding his stomach in. Drove back and cracked straight on with work. Annoying thing was that my Apple Watch was delivered while we were out. But, thankfully it was the usual UPS man and he called again much later in the day, I like him, much appreciated. So now have my new Apple Watch. It’s sat in the box (a box which will shortly be available), I’m going to open it and have a play around with it tomorrow. Walked to the gym, did Pump and walked home, thankfully it stayed dry. Did a tad more work as I really needed to catch up. Then did the dishes. Now waiting for pizza. Thinking about my next tattoo, maybe mother on my buttock. I can then sit on her and she’ll have to deal with all my shit for once.
So started taking 5 HTP yesterday, it’s supposed to be a natural antidepressant and sleep aid. Well, I’m feeling tired. Started on time. Worked to my precise hours (well within a few minutes). Walked Sasha. Went out this evening with my yellow friends. Spent a long time in the back of a car. Actually had to do an additional walk to get my 10,000 steps. Got some filming work to do tomorrow.
So trying out the new hours
Started this morning at 8:50, stopped at 1 until 2 and then finished at 5:30, all very strange. Walked to Pump, thankfully it stayed dry. Did Pump, walked home. Didn’t do any more work, okay, I did look at the forum though. Sat down and ate before midnight and watched tele. Got some new drugs to try tonight, can’t remember what they are called.
I’m surrounded by delusionists
And I know that word doesn’t exist, it should. Started far too early to drive to the train station, to sit on a train for an hour to then get on a tube and finally walk to the office. Then spent the entire day in four meetings. I’m not going to divulge the contents or indeed who they were with, but sometimes I wonder if we are all working on the same thing. Walked back along the South Bank and finally grabbed a train at Green Park and finally a train home. Long day.
So I walked to the gym without carrying a phone
Started this morning with looking at why my sql server had decided to fail again. Same cause, out of memory. It even managed to corrupt the database so wouldn’t even start on a reboot. Managed to get the rebuilt and the service started. Then looking at the firewall I noticed I was getting attacked by one IP address about every ten milliseconds. So blocked that one and found another one later. I expect all those hits on Apache were overloading the SQL server. It’s been running fine since, but I need to keep a very close eye on it. Work was shite. Walked the dog. Walked to the gym, as I’m now almost at my ultimate goal on Pokemon Go I didn’t take the phone, I just walked instead. Did Combat, walked home. Did a bit more work. I’m going to change my working hours. I think two hours on a Thursday afternoon should cover it.