Started a little late, not in the mood. Spent a long time talking to various people. Only work really done today was finding a bug in the two fish encryption and then deciding it’s far too bloody slow in debug. Walked Sasha early, weather nice but very chilly. Then waited in for a new telly to arrive (it’s a company TV, HDR/4K all that guff). Had a text two days ago to say it would arrive between 14:00 and 21:00, already a vast delivery window. I was a bit peed off as I couldn’t go to Pump, but thankfully Jamie turned up early so I shot off. Was expecting it to be there when I got back but no sign. Had a call at nine thirty to say they were twenty minutes away. Anyway, arrived now, I’ll look at it at the weekend.
Author Archives: Admin
Sizing up a new Jag
Another very odd day at work. It’s all a bit eerie at the moment. I failed completely on the task I was doing. Must have spent the best part of seventy hours on it, most of it in my own time. Deleted the lot, moved on. Doing something very different now, fairly straightforward in comparison. Gone very cold today, complete contrast to yesterday. Walked Sasha. Went for a run this evening. Evolved a shit load of Pokemon and powered up a few more. Sent some time on the Jaguar website spec’ing up a car, just for fun.
And now it continues to go tits up
I’m just not going into what happened in work today. I’ll just say it was quite a shock. I spent all day fighting matrices and miserably failing. It was a beautiful day though, oddly the same weather as halloween last yeah. It was a year ago today I was queuing outside the tattooists. Sasha had a nice long walk. Walked to the gym, did Combat, walked home. Did more work. One hell of a day to be honest.
LPC check complete
Started this morning with Jamie making me breakfast. Took Sasha out for a spin and then drove to Staverton. Took Lisa, Andy and Jamie out in the R44. Flight was fine, pick up and set down was crap. Then went out and did my LPC (license proficiency check) in the R22, all good, passed, good for another year. Now making a very hot curry. A good day.
Pumpkin carving
Jamie got his way, a deposit was made. We then got up and went to Tesco’s. I bought fishcakes, which are now in the oven. Had a quick lunch and then headed into ton solo. It’s still double candy, so made the most of it just walking around. Picked up a couple of pumpkin carving kits. Came home, made a coffee and made a start. I think I had mine finished (Pokeball) in about an hour and a half. Had a shower. Jamie is still doing his now. I was quite pleased with my first ever effort (I blame my mother). Lots of flying to do tomorrow.
It may be temporal, but its becoming tempermental
Started this morning fine. Basically I’ve spent the best part of twelve hours trying to crack a temporal aliasing problem, and I still haven’t. Walked Sasha. Walked to the gym, did Pump, walked home. Can’t really say much more about the day other than it was very very frustrating.
“You can make an advanced deposit”
So work was fun again. Basically spent the whole day tracing an orientation quaternion. Found it at eleven o’clock at night. Walked Sasha, weather was okay. Went for a run. Worked lots. Jamie said we should have sex, I said not to be silly it wasn’t even November yet. He said I should make an advanced deposit, which is one way of putting it. At least I didn’t say that I’d like to make an early withdrawal. Would be nice if he went a day without coughing and wheezing, it’s a tad off-putting.
Apple Watch time (pun intended)
Work was very complex, but enjoyable. All to do with motion vectors, and at the end of the day I had made good progress. Walked Sasha, weather was fine I guess. Decided to get back to Wednesday Pump classes, so started this evening. Very busy. On the way home there was a Dragonite about but I couldn’t find it. Levelled up a gym back to ten and dropped in. Did yet more yet. Finally sat down and checked out the Vitality site and the watches are now available. Ordered mine. So it should just cost ninety-nine quid rather than four hundred.
Pokemon back again
I had fun with work today. Been working on something really interesting that required a hell of a lot of thought. Talked to the boss, he was privileged to speak to me..that’s a long story. Walked Sasha, got the phone out again, 90Km to go. Went out for a run this evening and then did some more work. Did a route plan for Atilla’s flight. Got my kneeboard for my iPad, really pleased with it. Will take it for a spin on Sunday.
Pokemon gone
Work started off tedious but as it went on it got a lot more interesting. Spoke to James about manifold pressure infringements, he told me I was over thinking it. So booked the R44 again next weekend. Today was miserable rainy weather. I left the phone at home. Walked Sasha and not one Pokemon was caught. Walked to the gym this evening, same circumstances. Picked up my new iPad mini. Got my Sky Demon subscription sorted. Looking forward to trying it out.