Busy day, mainly taken with an SDK update. Weather was a bit all over the place. Took Sasha out in the rain, then it got very warm and finally ended wet again. Worked into the evening and then went out for a run. Knocked roughly thirty seconds a mile off, so it’s coming down. Need to do a flight plan for Friday, have done the weight and balance calcs now, not truly happy about the amount of fuel I can take, but it’s not like you are going to hit traffic at 1,800 feet. Weather looking good for the journey, all booked in for lunch. Looking forward to it.
Author Archives: Admin
Nothing else really matters when you finally hatch a Chansey
Work was fine, if somewhat dull, lots of memory tracing. Weather was cold, really very chilly. The sun came out eventually though and I started to walk Sasha. Got just down the road and my 10Km egg hatched. Finally. It was a Chansey. So that’s it then, I now have enough to evolve all one and forty two in the UK Pokedex. I have just under 130Km still to walk and that will take me to 1,000Km walked. Then I finish, the end is finally in site and whats more it’s finally achievable.
Don’t you just love the unpredictability of the weather?
Work was mostly fine, can’t complain, if a little dull. Also a bit annoying I had to trace a load of bugs which I never really had time for. Sun was out, nice lunchtime dog walk. Walked to the gym, did Combat. Did a full evenings work. Been keeping an eye on the weather on Friday. It’s gone from dull, to light cloud and now to heavy rain. It’ll probably be snow by tomorrow. I’m going to leave it until Thursday to make the call I think. The weekend doesn’t look too clever either.
Another hour on the logbook
Felt far better today than yesterday, head completely clear. Had breakfast and coffee, then mowed the front lawn. Took Sasha out. Made my lunch and drove to Staverton. When I arrived Sid was just about to go out on his solo nav, so that cocked up all the timings by far. I still had to do a check flight as it had been an age since I’ve been out in the 22. Sharon and Iain were in the aviator, Sharon was on the wine. We did a hot swap when Sid came back in, so I did a few circuits and PFL’s with Ben. I picked up my passenger. She only had two requests, one was to see into the centre of GCHQ and the other was to see a rock formation known as ‘The Devils Chimney’. Thankfully as the wind direction meant they were using 04, I managed to take off to the south via 22, which meant we went pretty much right over the top of the GCHQ doughnut. We then did an anti-clockwise orbit of Cheltenham and over the rock formation. Nice flight, I’d forgotten a bit how much fun the 22 is compared to the 44. The 22 is a sensitive little beast, completely unforgiving, you have to be alter at all times. The 44 is like driving an old couch, sluggish in maneuvers but mighty powerful. It was good to get an hour in the 22, I missed it. All set for Friday…..
Inappropriate text messages
Started this morning with a massive migraine, so didn’t appreciate the bloody phone ringing, both the house one and the mobile. To be honest I couldn’t see a bloody thing until about 2PM. I don’t get them very often but when I do they knock me out cold. Took elephant pills and went back to bed. Had a light lunch and then felt absolutely fine, it’s just the way they go. Walked Sasha and headed into town for a bit. It’s actually a long time since I’ve just walked round the shops. I’ve got less than 200Km to go now on Pokemon Go.
Now. If you send me an SMS text message I will not get a notify. This is because I get about twenty a day and they are all spam. If however you have an iPhone I get an iMessage. These I do get a notify for. I bet you never realised this did you? Go through your contacts on messenger, the ones with an iPhone come up as iMessage. Anyway, what this means is that anyone who sends me a message from an iPhone I will look at, if you don’t have an iPhone any SMS message will just get dumped on a list with three thousand others. However, I do go through that list from time to time. Here is a recent dump of messages, I’ve altered them a little bit for comic effect:
“Tim, I’m having a problem with my milk, can you call me please.”
“I’ve called the dairy. They say they have checked the cow and it’s fine, so the problem is at my end. You know I’m lost without my milk.”
“I’ve checked the bottle and it’s fine. I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m stuck in this house and I don’t have any usable milk.”
“Sheila says that if she doesn’t have the appropriate milk content then she turns into a turnip. She spends over a hundred quid a week on groceries you know.”
“Pam uses a walker you know, but she has milk. She also watches Country File, I’ve never understood her fetish with John Craven.”
“You may need to come up and transfer the milk from one fridge to the other.”
“There’s an awful lot of equity left in this house, you could build your own dairy.”
“Do you have any receipts for milk you have bought in the past? I can submit an expense claim and claim back all the milk I’ve ever used.”
“If I don’t get my calcium you know, I could fall over and break a hip joint.”
“Your sister has popped in and checked the container, she says it’s fine. I’ve rung up again and they are sending a farmer around Monday.”
“Should I buy my own cow?”
“Can you lend my 70 quid to pay my credit card interest?”
This ladies and gentleman is why I disable SMS notifications.
I think 1,000Km I’ll call it a day
Work was fine, if a little dull. Its very much got much colder. Walked Sasha. The Pokemon trackers have all been screwed over again. I must admit I’m getting somewhat bored of it now, potentially I have 141 in the Pokedex. I think I’m going to walk the 1,000Km and then call it a day. It’s been fun, but another couple of weeks I think I’ll be there. Walked to the gym, did Pump. Now fairly busy weekend.
Winter is coming
Today felt cold. Well actually lunchtime was quite nice, walked Sasha in the sun. But by early evening when I went out for a run it was bitterly cold. Work was fine if somewhat stressful. Technically I only have about two hours to do tomorrow but it will turn into a shitload of overtime as normal. Got a fun weekend lined up. Venture into town on Saturday I think and then a bit of flying on Sunday. Got my next tattoo appointment in November, that should be the last one.
And then I hatched not one, but two Lapras
Work was fine. Voice phone line has been fixed. Cable has been rerouted via cabinet twenty-four. Can’t order fibre on it yet as the system hasn’t been fully updated. Nice day, if somewhat chilly. Walked Sasha and hatched a Lapras. Then this evening we went to the local for a calvary and hatched another one. So that’s three in three days. Just the Chansey now to get.
End of an E.O.
So started this morning far too early as I wanted to escape for a bit this afternoon. Mainly working on bugs and some motion blur stuff. Logged a fault with Zen about the voice line being dead, during it I said I’d pop across the road and have a word with the myriad of people working on the cabinet. Lovey chap, I asked if he was uplifting exchange only lines to the cabinet, he replied ‘How do you know that?’. I know a lot, it’s just one of those things. He went through his list and my line wasn’t due to be be to tomorrow. So the voice side dying was indeed just a coincidence. Zen rang a line check, appears to be a fault between the multiplex and the line cared, so it’s exchange side. So tomorrow I will be officially on cabinet twenty-four, I can then order fibre on that line which will be cool. I reckon I’m less than 300M from it cable wise, so should be good for about 70Mbs, but it’s the upload which is more of interest to me. Anyway, one thing at a time, lets get the line moved and voice fault fixed. I then have to get a new fibre modem for it.
So gave Sasha a quick walk. We headed out at about three-thirty to miss the traffic and miss it we did. Got there (the tattoist) with plenty of time to spare. Another guy was being tattoo’d while we waited. He left and then the Pokemon theme tune was played…my turn. I had another couple of hours of work done. Looking nice, a couple more hours to go. While I was there, someone rang up to cancel a couple of bookings so hopefully I’ve got one of those in November, so that will be finished then.
Took Jamie to ‘Atomic Burger’ for his birthday, even though thats tomorrow, this place was on the same street as the tattooist.
Came back and worked far too late. Having a glass of wine and then off to bed I think.
The important thing is…..I caught a Lapras
Work was okay I guess, traced one really tricky threading bug. Got another really tricky one to trace. Lovely day. Walked Sasha and suddenly a Lapras popped up on the sightings. I was about a minute away, it had fourteen to go but I still ran to it. It was a sod to catch and went through a shed load of ultra balls, but I got the fucker. Then had a message from the tattoo studio, can get me in for a couple of hours tomorrow. Managed to get a couple more high powered rare Pokemon in the afternoon just outside in the street. Walked to the gym, did Combat, walked home. It’s getting cold and very dark at night now. Winter is definitely coming.