Bye, bye cherry tree

So once again had a fairly appalling nights sleep, but no screaming in the middle of the night. Started work late as I was knackered. Run-time shader work, not the most exciting thing in the world. Quite a nice day though, Sasha once gain got a nice walk. Worked until after 8PM and then went for a run. Went passed the old house, I already knew the Leylandii had been chopped down last week, but it was quite sad to see the cherry tree had now been chopped down as well. That was probably close to a twenty year old mature tree now. All it really needed was a good trim. That corner looks rather boring now. Still, time moves on, it’s not mine anymore. That whole road looks like a complete dump to be honest, it was a lovely place when I first moved in there. Looking forward to tonights screaming attack.


Still didn’t get to sleep early last night, but at least I didn’t wake up screaming, so I’ll count that as a plus. Spent the bulk of the day testing shaders for compatibility. Then I had an email from a first party regarding something I had to add in a hurry, an hour after the build had been sent off. How not to be popular. Another vaguely nice day, so Sasha got a nice walk again. Walked to the gym, did Pump. Got glared at by a guy. He had eight fucking risers on his step, everyone else was down to four, and the cupboard was empty. I just took his step off and helped myself to four. He kind of gave me that look of ‘what the fuck are you doing?’. I gave him the look of ‘I don’t really give a fuck about my life so don’t think for a second I care much about yours.’ He declined to say anything and just put his mat back on the step. I really wasn’t in the mood. Walked home and sorted out this additional first party shit. Did another Sudoku puzzle, got it right this time. I’m thinking of not flying for a while, for the simple reason I want to save up some money for when the weather is good I can do a load of flights and take some people out. At the moment my currency is all over the place and I have to do a check flight every time it doesn’t rain, which at the moment isn’t very often.

And just to prove my mind is a little bit screwed, what popped into it earlier? ‘Glug-a-glug-tug’, it was a little boat with yellow floats that you could fill with water and it would go along in the bath. I’m sure my mother got rid of it, probably decided I was too old for it at twenty-six.

“Who the fuck are you?”, Welcome to my psychosis

So went to bed at a sensible time after a Camomile tea and some fruit cake. Watched an episode of ‘Air crash Investigation’ and felt extremely tired. So I didn’t take any pills or any alcohol. Didn’t go anywhere for about three hours. Imagine if you are extremely tired and yet your brain is still running at a million miles an hour, processing work, life, everything as if you were on speed. But your body isn’t able to support it. I eventually dropped off. I had the weirdest nightmare. I was in a house with strange people being hunted down. I woke up at about five AM screaming, ‘Who the fuck are you?’ about half a dozen times apparently. I then spent the next hour talking to the ceiling, apparently it didn’t answer back. Still started work vaguely on time. Working on the run-time side of my shader compiler, all mostly going to plan. Took Sasha out for a long walk. Went for a run in the light drizzle. Now watching CBB, can’t really decide if I’m going to watch it or not. So looking forward to sleep tonight, I’m going to get an answer out of that ceiling if it kills me, it actually stands a fairly good chance.

Well that’s something I haven’t done in a while

So work was kinda normal Monday type thing. I really couldn’t get into it first thing. Managed to catch the weather just right though and took Sasha out for a long walk. The afternoon was more productive. Then I was going to walk to the gym but the heavens opened again so drove instead. Came back and did almost three hours of productive work. Ate salad and then did something I haven’t done in a long time, a Sudoku puzzle. Was good fun, but not as hard as the ones I’ve done before, still it was only the first one in the book. Going to try and sleep pill free and then get an early start tomorrow.

I’ve removed the login on the comments section, so hopefully won’t get spammed again.

So Christmas is all packed away safely in the loft

Thanks for all your responses.

Okay, so I didn’t rocket out of bed. Breakfast was served past midday and the paper was read until gone 1PM. I then sat down and edited a helicopter video. Took Sasha out for a nice walk and then went for a run before the heavens opened yet again. We put all the Christmas decorations away, always a little sad when you throw all the crimbo cards on the recycling pile. Still, only another fifty one odd weeks to go. Had a nice bath and relaxed a bit. I can truthfully say that I’m looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I know what I need to do and I’m looking forward to doing it. I’m going to try and change a few things this year, nothing major, but I think a change is in order. Had a nice bath, now I’m going to eat and descend in to television with the remains of a bottle of wine.

P.S. Just had a friend request from someone who I last talked to about twenty years ago, this could be amusing. At least he wasn’t a pedophile, oh, now that’s a video I’m looking forward to making on my fiftieth, I hope mother is dead by then as by god that is going to uproot the earth in a major way. Blah, six years to go…..

To vlog or blog that is the question

Started quite early considering it was a Saturday. Picked up the dogs, they were gone for two nights, but were still very happy to see me. Came back and edited the NYE party video. (The video is uploaded but only available to the attendees). Then went to Tesco and bought food for the week, reminded me bout why I have it delivered now. Went into town and bought nothing except sand and crickets for the lizards. Jamie is still sorting the holiday out. So now we have a new hotel booked for Miami, we are ditching the car there as it costs a bloody fortune to park. Booked the internal flight. Now I’m debating about weather to vlog it again (make a video per day) like we did for the ‘Great USA road trip’ or just to do written blogs, the videos were great fun. Thinking of just doing them on the GoPro with quick jump cuts per day, opinions? Lots of work to do between now and then though. Did the washing. Slowly returning to the normal humdrum of reality. It’s very dull and somewhat depressing, the weather certainly doesn’t help.

Start the new year with a bang, or a tax return

So much joy was had by all last night, even if we didn’t end up that many people. We had quite a bit of food left over and seemed to gain more booze than we started with. It was all dancing and inappropriate fondling up until midnight and then after the London fireworks at midnight it was karaoke time. That finished with guests at just gone 2AM and we carried on singing until gone 4AM in the end.

Didn’t exactly get up with a shot, more of getup midday. No hangover for me, don’t do that kind of thing, plus apart from a couple of shots I stuck to larger all night. So this afternoon mainly was a clean and tidy up operation, which was all complete with everything packed away by 4PM. I then sat down and did the end of year accounts, all the filing and finally submitted my tax return. I logged into the HRMC site and it said ‘last time you logged in was 2nd January’, I’m glad we have these annual meetings. So that’s all done now. New wall planner is up, ‘Dan & Phil’ calendar is up. Just waiting for a bit of accounts paperwork so I can finalises a savings transfer, oh the joys. Pizza ordered. We still can’t work out what hotel to stay in in Miami.

Welcome to toilet world

So we actually woke up early which wasn’t really much of a surprise considering we were asleep by about 11PM. That included rigorous sex. So anyway, made breakfast and had coffee. Then put the dogs in the car and drove to the kennels, got stuck in a mass of non-existent traffic jams, got there in the end. Sasha escaped, but was caught and was fine. We then dropped that laser off at a box in Almondsbury and then went to Tesco and picked up a tablecloth and some milk. Then once again it was on with the cleaning and setting up. Picked up Megan, who then got stuck in with even more cleaning. I then setup all the lights and the smoke machine. It’s now just waiting for Madonna to turn up. After a dry run I’ve shut everything down and Jamie started on the food. We have the cooker covered, the sink covered and all this bloody food and drink everywhere. I just had the vision of the guy on ‘The Apprentice’ going, ‘now I’m going to walk you round the shop. This is out toilet world..’, while pointing at three bottles of bleach. We have ‘dessert world’, ‘crisp world’, ‘cold meats that nobody will eat world’, ‘the bar’. I’m still tempted to get a bottle of bleach out, there’s a gap by the sink. So we finally retired upstairs to get a shower. To save time we both had a shower together and promptly had sex again, that’s two days running, that’ll have to stop. So now I’m in bed before I get changed, roll on the night, I’m sure good fun will be had by all. If not they can all fuck off home.

Reluctantly I had to say goodbye to the Class 4 laser

Spent basically the whole day cleaning and shifting stuff around. I still haven’t cleaned my office or done my tax return. I really must make some kind of effort tomorrow. Did get a bit of cabin fever though due to being stuck in with the god awful weather, so went to the gym for a good run. Came back and set the laser up. After reading all the specs, it’s actually a different one to what I ordered and is far too powerful for a home environment, it’s actually a full class 4 laser, which will cut through shit at close range. We have children coming to this party, so them leaving without limbs or eyesight may not be a great idea. So sadly after playing with it a bit with the smoke machine I’ve boxed it back up and it will be sent back tomorrow. Mother came round for dinner, all good. We are both having a bit of an early night now as it will be a hell of a long day tomorrow with all the setting up and then finally the doing. Then no doubt a hell of a lot of cleaning up the day after.

So we got the whiteboard out again

So got up far too late again, not really surprising as we went to bed gone 3AM. I think I continued to dust stuff, mainly DVD’s and CD’s. Charged up the GoPro’s. We then took the dogs out to the field and did some filming there. New smoke machine has arrived, with timer. Spent the rest of the day basically cleaning stuff, lots of dusting. We eventually finished up with panicking about the shopping list for new years and then got the whiteboard out and planned out the holiday, which we have already booked but haven’t really given a great deal of thought to. We need to buy more theme park tickets and decided where the hell we are join to stay in Miami. Mother round for dinner tomorrow, I’m sure she’ll behave nicely as she’s fairly close to death now.