Conspiracy rife

Today started rather bizarrely. It’s a great shame I can’t go in to detail. But to paraphrase, I had introduced a ‘feature’ that was available on both consoles. Today the patch was release on the ‘other’ console and this ‘feature’ didn’t work. Large amounts of emails flowed. And no change was done by me. Yet by midday, this ‘feature’ magically started working. Strange that.

Weather wasn’t too bad, walked Sasha and walked to the gym. Did Pump. Walked home and did a bit more work. Still blocked up with a bit of a headache. Ran the extra HDMI cable through the trunking. Just waiting on my f-connector crimping tool and also need a couple of very short HDMI cables, then it’s all finished that side. Still have the door and the fireplace to paint. One weekend left, and I’m not planning on spending all that indoors.

Another white on the go then

Started late as I was not in the mood, this cold is lingering longer than I’d like. I’m not getting any runny nose issues it’s just mainly blockage which is annoying. Cracked on though and got everything I’ve been working on finally checked in. Now working on a new compiler which is quite fun, for the moment. Rained all day. To the point where this evening I went out for a run. Started another white, I’ll put the yeast in tomorrow after it warms up a bit. Think I’ll have an early night tonight, time to pop some pills.

Twenty-seven bottles and some change, I’m drinking the change

It’s Monday, as Sir Bob says, well I’m sticking with him. Cracked on anyway. To be honest I got quite a lot all sorted, so pretty pleased. Bit of a verify and tidy up operation tomorrow, then I get to work on something new for a while which will be fun. Walked Sasha, weather looked iffy all day, but I never got rained on. Drove to the gym as a downpour was due, again, no rain. Did Combat, very quiet, there was about six of us. Did some more work, then bottled the Voigner, twenty-seven bottles and some change, I’m drinking that now. It’s very good, but could do with maturing for a few weeks. The red is now bubbling nicely, about a week late. I have a Riesling to start tomorrow, need to order a couple more kits in while it’s brewing weather.

Almost but not quite

So started with sex, bit of a weird entry, but all good in the end, if somewhat quick. Had breakfast. Then put a second coat on the door frame. Finally got round to routing the rest of the cabling, apart from a dog that pretty much consumed the bulk of the day. Now it’s all together and all working. Except for a couple of mistakes, I’ve run one more RG6 than I needed to, and I’m missing an HDMI cable really. So I’ve ordered a shed load of HDMI cables and I’ll have another attempt at sorting it all out during the week. But it does indeed look very tidy. So just the door and the back of the fireplace left to paint. It will be finished by the end of next weekend, so basically on schedule. Sterilised thirty bottles ready for the next lot of white. I’ll probably bottle that tomorrow. Had a cold bath. Now I’m going to make a curry and watch the x-factor final.

Emulsion paw prints

I forgot to say yesterday that the radiator went. I removed it last saturday and stuck it outside the bay window in the hope somebody would bugger off with it, took less than a week, God bless the pikey scrap dealers. Woke up late, actually woke up at 5AM, but got breakfast or three rather late. Read the paper. Still have quite a bad cold, so reading was as erotic as I got. Got up eventually. Took the lounge door off. Painted the door frame, then you name it, everyman and his fucking dog turned up. A courier came delivering my wine, whichI’d specifically put down for a delivery date of Monday, Sasha came bounding down the stairs, I shoved he in the kitchen, of course the lounge no longer had a door on. See goes careering under the ladder, knocks the paint pot over and gets it all over her paws. I go ape shit. She now run away. I spend the next half-hour shouting my head off walking round with a large vat of white spirit. Went out and did a home check for some cats, picked up a hi-fi rack thing to stick the consoles on. Bought some pet tat. Came back and did a load of wiring in the trunking. Not much more to do now, bit more wiring and a bit more painting, more of a cleaning up operation. So can have a fairly relaxing day tomorrow finishing and tidying up.

What would be handy is new wooden spoon

So not a bad nights sleep, mainly induced by wine. So woke up with a blocked nose and a headache. Cracked on with work though, got a hell of a lot done today considering. Walked Sasha, cold but dry. Didn’t venture out, wasn’t up for the gym or Pump, so back to that next week. We did walk to Aldi though and picked up a heated buffet server thing, it was very cheap. Had a bath. Just put the pizza in and went through the drawer. Everyone keeps asking what I want for Christmas and one thing I’ve been meaning to ask for for years, is a new wooden spoon, mine seems to be bent at a thirty degree angle. So now I’m going to no doubt get about ten.

8 Mile

Not a bad nights sleep, the wine helped. Work was all about profiling buffer formats, some interesting results. Have to use one format on one console and the other one has a different one. PC is so bloody quick you can use what you want. All thats done now, some bugs to fix and a couple of new bits to add. Horrible cold day. Walked Sasha in the rain. Did manage to go out for a short five mile run, it was cold but dry, also a good way to clear my cold, get the blood running through the veins. Spent the evening cutting up the covers for the trunking. All done now, need to plan the cable layouts next and mount the network switch. While doing that I watched ‘8 Mile’, which is a film I’d been meaning to watch for probably about ten years, it was actually very good, battle rap with M&M, did you know rap stood for rhythm and poetry? There you go, educational as well as dull.

And then I had a shite nights sleep

So spent all night awake and coughing. Jamie was draped over me which didn’t help my temperature control. I remember the firewall rebooting, so that was 5AM. I did get some sleep in the end. Started work very late with the intention of not working much. Nine hours later I finished. Did walk Sasha briefly, but that was the only time I left the house. Didn’t go to gym, just wasn’t up for it. Had a bath and drank vast amounts of wine, hopefully that will get me to sleep.

Best nights sleep that wasn’t alcohol infused I’ve had in ages

So had a great nights sleep, woke up at 5AM for a pee and that’s about it. Been feeling fairly shitty all day though, bit of a cold thing. I’m using all my usual array of powerful drugs so it shouldn’t hang around long. Spent the day mainly changing buffer formats and compiling shaders, not very exciting stuff. Another nice but cold day, took Sasha on a long walk. Ended up working quite late, was in two minds about having a bath or going for a run, the latter run out and did just shy of an hour. Feel better for it I guess. Will probably have an early night with the Camomile tea, but this time without the pills.

No radiator and red wine

Oddly for a Monday I did a reasonable amount of work. Didn’t exactly start early though. Had an email from a video card vendor about a bug we filed long ago, apparently the issue was in one of our own shaders. After a fair amount of digging I managed to find it, so were setting a multi-sampled texture to a non-multi-sampled texture slot. Nasty things happened. Sad thing was that it was a fairly silly bug that should have been sorted long ago.

It was a lovely day today actually, so took Sasha for a nice long walk. Walked to the gym, did Combat, walked home, did a bit more work and then started on the red, that’s now all in the bucket warming up, I’ll add the yeast tomorrow.