Well that was an interesting phone call

Started a bit late, but considering I spent most of the night turning over work ideas I’ll let myself off. Spent far too long in the evening anyway waiting for a phone call, which came ten minutes late. Very long distance, very long distance. We had a good chat, what about? Can’t disclose that, yet. Rest of the day was busy for sure. Walked Sasha in the pouring rain. Went for a run quite late tonight, god it was cold.

Win the award for overthinking again

Another fun day mostly looking at data build and going into a nice full on chest-pain panic when I couldn’t get something to work, or more to the point it never worked well anyway and just got into a situation that looked bad. Still, I did then manage to produce something that worked a lot better. Walked to the gym. Spent the entire Pump class trying to resolve a depth search problem. Came home, looked at code, then spent until almost midnight overthinking it. I thought there was an issue, there never was.

Okay, so we are considering anywhere in the world which is ‘nice’

Started on time after another night in the spare room, I must admit I do like the mattress in there. Jamie is off tomorrow so I guess it would be polite to sleep with him tonight. Although he has gone to the pub, if he has more than one cider he’ll be ill. I went for a ten mile run and ate salad. Spent most of the day building bloody data again. Trying to get a couple of alterations to a GUI seems to take forever.

We decided that we wouldn’t actually mind relocating anywhere, providing it was ‘nice’. So nowhere in the UK then.

We ain’t at R&J’s anymore

Spent most of the work day waiting for data to build and by the end of it I’m not sure it’s all working. Got an email back from Amazon lady, have a call planned later in the week. Walked Sasha in light and annoying drizzle. Walked to the gym, did Combat. Spoke to my sister afterwards about our impending Ibiza trip. When talking about clubs I said, ‘It depends how much EDM you can handle’, to which I got the reply, ‘I don’t take anything like that’. I was somewhat amused and had to explain what EDM was, I have the feeling ‘trance’ and ‘progressive’ will come across with the same bemused expression. I need to do some more research, I’ve never found anything quite so imbalanced as reviews of anything remotely balearic. I think we’ll end up somewhere to the side of the main town. One thing there does seem to be an abundance of though is fantastic restaurants, so I’m sure we’ll look like a fucking sea-bass by the end of the week.

May be I’m not too old for a new country

Tonights blog is mainly censored by request, but I’m still mighty unimpressed.

Started this morning with coffee and cereal, no problem there. Then proceeded with a three hour dog walk. I enjoyed it, Sasha put up no complaints.

Had a small amount of fruitcake for lunch, perfect Alison, thank you.

Sent an email to the Amazon recruiter who has been headhunting me for months, saying I’m very old and that I don’t have a degree. She responded within eight minutes saying that it wasn’t important and they’d still love to talk to me. It’s a complete move to California including two dogs, no problem as far as they are concerned.

Jamie and I ate out. I’m in the spare room again, this is for operational reasons only. I’m forty-five this year, do I really want to move to the states? Well it’s beats a one way ticket to Dignitas I guess.

“Are you looking for God?”, “No, I’m looking for a Charmander”

So today started how I like a weekend to start. Lots of coffee and reading the paper. I finally got up (after a hand job) and walked Sasha for a while, she enjoyed it. Ate a pastie. And then finally drove towards town. Walked into town. Failed to but anything and then drove home. My left headlight bulb had gone bang which is a minor inconvenience, but fixable. Got home to find quite a distressed Jamie.

Jamie has edited this part of the entry.

Bought sand and crickets. Drank far too much wine before showering, now need to shower.

Back to (virtual) reality

Last couple of days have all been about VR. I must admit, it’s been quite a fun little diversion. Last night I went out with my old friend from Cyberdrome – Carl. He started off saying that he had a bit of a cold and wasn’t drinking. By the end of the evening we’d polished off a pint of Amstel, a large coke (with no ice), two bottles of wine, an espresso, a double whiskey and a double vodka. I walked home, it was very cold.

Spent today on VR again, had an odd chat with the ‘big boss’, I stated that I was bored and wanted to do something else and he basically ignored me. Still, I got anti-aliasing working with VR and the other usually rather intolerant person I have to deal with thought I was suddenly some kind of god. Walked to the gym, did Pump, walked home, it was wet.

They pulled an R22 out of Los Angeles bay, two fatalities. There’s an awful lot of Robbie’s been killing people recently, need to take one out again soon.

First Pump of the year – mental

Started this morning discussing bridges to jump off with Steve, he suggested the golden gate, top man, dive off into the fog, like his style. Then spent the rest of the day sorting out aliasing problems with VR. All comes down to input stability causing sub-pixel jittering. I even produced a half gig video on it, wasn’t very exciting. Walked Sasha. Things got busy this afternoon, all the way up to five-thirty where I logged off and haven’t looked at the forum since. Walked to the gym, ready for Pump. We were just about to start, no-one new, then suddenly all the new people came in at once and delayed the class by ten minutes, it was now bloody packed. Walked home. Did a bit more on my V8 engine, just the electrics to do now.

The virtual reality makes me more sick than the actual one

So started back to work. Managed almost seven hours before I was moaned at for being stressy and argumentative. Today I was playing with the Oculus Rift, which was interesting. We have an aliasing issue on it. Actually we don’t. The aliasing issue is general, it’s just its sub-pixel motion which makes it look awful. One thing for certain though, if you use the thing too much it doesn’t half give you a headache. Walked Sasha. Had an online consultation with a GP, he was very nice, failed to prescribe me anything that would kill me, did give me a couple of recommendations though so ordered them. Went for a run. Watching the new Celeb BB, not sure it’s a watcher yet.

Well I’ve sorted a few things at least

Okay, so didn’t get up massively early, but it is technically the last day of my holiday time off. Walked Sasha for two hours, she’s going to have to get used to her fifty minute jaunts again now. Came back and took down all the Christmas decorations and packed everything away. Shunted a load of stuff into the loft. I have a small annoying water leak on the main tank which I’ll need to keep an eye on. Booked an online doctor’s consultation for tomorrow. Updated my CV, sent it off to a couple of agencies I usually use. Did a bit of Googling and found an Indie developer who’s site made me smile, sent a CV to them. Everything is sorted now for starting work again tomorrow. Am I looking forward to it? No. I’d really like to stay with the existing company and just do something completely different, but I guess that’s not really an option. Lets see how things pan out.

As it’s the last holiday day and I’ve incorrectly calculated the number of tomatoes required, I’m having pizza.