I actually enjoyed Top Gear and didn’t really expect to

Spent the bulk of the day staring at a lazy list cleanup and managed to get a ten times speed increase in it which can’t be bad. A bit concerned about the size it grows to though, I’d certainly like to poke that a bit more.

Longer walk with Sasha, taking advantage of the nice but very cold weather. Still collecting Pokemon.

Went for a 13km run early evening so caught the end of the daylight and went through the nature reserve, twice.

After more work I settled down to the new series of ‘Top Gear’. Must admit that I wasn’t expecting much, but ended up really enjoying it. A good few laughs. I think this will hopefully grow. I have already got bored of the Amazon offering after just three episodes and haven’t watched any more.

Thirty days of sobriety

So did the whole of February without drinking at all, even added a couple of extra days. It’s certainly easier these days due to very decent alcohol free lager and even a sparkling Chenin Blanc which was quite nice. So after all that it’s back on a diet getting my beach body together for Ibiza. I have a very effective diet plan that’s based on fitness trackers and food intake, it’s frighteningly accurate. I’ve lost four pounds.

Been decorating the bedroom, it’s mostly painted now, probably about four Sundays to go on that one.

Had a fun email from mother. She was apparently pissing around on YouTube and found my video of ’99 anecdotes and the bitch is in all of them’. She complained about being called a bitch, obviously never heard of the song….. Did she actually apologise for tormenting her son by making him wear girls socks? Did she fuck, she complained that I got the song wrong and I should get my facts straight. I think I’ll film another one called ‘bitch in a box’. And it’s not fucking ‘utube’. Haven’t actually thought about her at all for a couple of weeks, suddenly my life is so much better.

Work is oddly okay at the moment, some pressure has been removed from me and I’m getting on with stuff, I haven’t wanted to kill anybody for almost a week now.

I’ve done the first transfer on the Viognier and the Pinot is almost ready to stabilise, so that’s another sixty bottles in a couple of weeks.

Jamie and I are wondering about going away for our anniversary, not sure we can get any time off though. Maybe we’ll go away over Easter instead.

The other thought was to hold Jamie’s thirtieth in Turkey in September. Everyone’s invited (family that is, no weirdos), you just have to get there yourself and pay for the hotel in Antalya, which of course we never actually leave. I’ll even pay for a meal there for everyone.

I’ll never get to sing wth Michael Ball

So we were about to go on stage but my mother was insisting we went through this bloody contract with a fine tooth comb. Michael was getting impatient, the band were starting up. Then there was bloody great crash, Jamie and I both suddenly woke up. Dillion had managed to knock the step ladder over with his fat ass, it came crashing down into the bedroom. I picked it back up and sent the back to bed. My only comment to Jamie was, ‘I”m never going to sing with Michael Ball now’, then I went back to sleep.

Going back earlier, I spoke to my mother in the bath. Let me clarify this, I was in the bath, not her, actually she may well have been, actually not as her bath is still in her front garden. She was not going through a contract. She did however start off with a really typical patronising comment based on my recent failed relocation attempt. She has a bit of a history of these, they are all delivered in the same way. When I used to play rugby, which I was actually quite good at, I wanted to pursue it on the school team but the only comment I got in front of a bunch of people was, ‘Oh he’s so small they’ll use him as the ball….hahahha’. And the same for basketball, ‘Oh they’d use you as a step….hahaha’. I pursued neither as it was too much stress and would probably have screwed with her schedule. She made the comment and did the usual ‘hahaha’, it’s a shame I wasn’t there as I’d have quite happily punched her square in the face before the second ‘ha’.

Today I had an answerphone message which I promptly ignored, ‘Oh Tim I think my battery is gone on my laptop, it came up and said it’s almost flat and then it switched off, I don’t know what to do’. I’d give you a suggestion, but I want all those pills for myself.

Then when I got home from the gym, two text messages, first just reiterated the answerphone message, the second said she found the power cable wasn’t plugged in. If she had intelligence she’d be dangerous…..hahaha.

Wiring your speakers via a banana will not improve the base

Popped into town yesterday to the ‘Sound & Vision’ show, should have been renamed ‘Expensive stuff that does nothing show’, there wasn’t very much in the way of ‘vision’ apart from a Dolby Atmos demo which you couldn’t really tell much as the whole thing was with it ‘on’, so impossible to compare. What I did find amusing though was the shear amount of bollocks available for ludicrous prices. And people believing the hype. Now I’m not a cretin, I can happily hear the difference between a one hundred pound turntable and a five hundred pound turntable, I can even hear the difference between a five hundred pound turntable and a fifteen hundred pound turntable (not much), but I can’t make out the difference between a fifteen hundred pound turntable and a five grand one. I can also not hear the difference if you place it on five hundred quids worth of wood that ‘isolates’ it from the surroundings. It also makes no difference to me if you wire the speakers using cable that cost a tenner or cable that cost a million quid. I had an argument with a guy from a cable company, he was trying to convince me that my treble would be amazing due to the oxygen free content of his five hundred quid interconnect. I pointed to the amplifier it was connecting to which had the lid off and said that it was all fine, except that the amp socket was connected to the circuit board using 2p’s worth of Chinese coax. He didn’t have an answer for that. He could have got away with, ‘Ah, but that’s only two inches long and is isolated within the chassis’. The biggest bullshit purveyors of the lot though are those who sell digital interconnects. Providing the cable can transmit the signal error free, it really doesn’t matter if it costs two grand or two quid, the signal will be the same. So for all these hi-fi reviewers who say ‘the blacks looked so much darker and the colours more vibrant’, you are talking absolute shit.

I’ve worked out a way to make a fortune. I’m sure vinyl is designed to be played at a certain temperature. So I’m going to invent a fridge that you put your turntable in, so it’s at the exact correct temperature. Or for the full effect, offer to install perfect air-conditioning to reduce the whole room temperature down to thirty below zero. Your vinyl will sound great, but the increased treble will be over shadowed by the sound of your knackers shivering. But somewhere out there will be a guy with an Aaron sweater, loafers and an Audi who will spend fifty grand on it.

Statute of limitations, doesn’t exist in this country…….

Well if I’m not allowed 500M of plastic sheeting and a set of chefs knives then I’ll have to take an alternative approach. I always said I’d do a rather revealing video when I’m fifty, but I’m getting itchy feet five years early and now have the perfect opportunity to upset the status quo. From my research though, I’m unable to fill in a missing five years, I need to do a bit more investigative work first. It’s a waste of time going through all the ball ache if the end result has already occurred.

I think we’ve reached out and grabbed nothing

After the fun revelation that the company that wanted everyone for the US now just wants to open an office in London kind of screws up all future plans in that direction. Still it was fun while it lasted. So back to plan A and continue with the decorating. I may even decorate the office at some point and install air-conditioning, anyone know an air-conditioning engineer? Mind you I believe I can do anything except cycle through a revolving door (I had a broken ankle to prove the point), it’s only a couple of pipes and a bit of gas, how hard can it be? Wondering what would be a good colour, possibly a blue. Need to finish the bedroom first, still have a third of the ceiling to do.

Bring on gen 2

So there are now eighty new Pokemon to catch. Well I’ve made a good start and got about thirty of them in two days. Cold now going, replaced by a roaring cough. It’s more annoying than anything else but I think it will clear in a couple of days.

Passed all everything I needed to pass but now have a situation that there is no where actually to put me. This has pissed me off somewhat. Still, there are a few possibilities left. Hopefully get some more painting done tomorrow then have to go to dinner at the father-in-laws, which is never a fun experience, it’s all just a little bit dull.

Okay, so I did come down with diphtheria in the end

Spent yesterday in bed, felt awful. But did catch up on a lot of television on the various catchup services. Did go for a walk in the evening to clear my head. Back to work today and pulled off a full ten hours. Spent it all dealing with gravel, very unexciting. Was supposed to have a phone call of the transatlantic flavour but that got cancelled. Hopefully reschedule that for tomorrow.

May be MI5?

Had an odd job pop up on email the other morning. ‘Cyber security engineer’. Sounds like fun. May be put my thirty years of games skills to good use. Then I saw what they were paying, maybe they only want me to work for four months of the year. Had another email, more phone calls to take place later in the week.