Went to bed very early last night. Was hoping to watch ‘Dickenson’s Real Deal’ but it wasn’t available on ITV Player, so just turned the light out and went to sleep instead. Woke up bright an early with a headache, the joys of not drinking for eleven days. Had coffee and breakfast and that soon sorted everything out. I was still in the spare room due to the ‘stomach and flu ward’ occurring in the master bedroom. Walked Sasha, we went on a bit of jolly for a couple of hours. Had lunch and then headed into town, it was dead, like a ghost town all the way down Whiteladies Road. Central was busier. Did the accounts. Drank wine. Time for nibbles.
It must be Christmas, Amazon have flippers on a lightening deal
Woke up in the spare room after a great nights sleep. Jamie had gone to work many hours earlier, plus he sounds like a train and I can’t be dealing with that. Cracked on with work, nice and quiet today. Okay, I didn’t stress myself out it must be said. Sorted a couple of little bits and had a little tweaky play around. Walked Sasha. There was a storm passing over but to be honest it didn’t seem to have much of an impact here. Walked to the gym, did the final Pump of the year, picked up a paper and walked home. Cracked open the wine. Added stabiliser to my second batch of Chenin Blanc. I think I’m destined to another night by myself in the spare room.
HDR complete and Pokemon comes to Apple Watch
Slept well last night, still in the spare room as Jamie starts work at 2AM plus he has a permanent cold from January 1st to December 31st, it just annoys the fuck out of me how anyway can be that unhealthy. I get a cold roughly once every two to three years and then its usually fairly mild. There are easy ways to prevent colds, just a matter of taking the right drugs at the right times. Finished my first pass HDR implementation on one console, start on the other one tomorrow. Did plan on taking Sasha for a long work, then it started raining. Went for a run this evening. Found the Pokemon Go app has been updated, now supports the Apple Watch, will give it a try tomorrow.
I picked my first lock
Slept pretty much okay I think. Started on time. Yet another day on console HDR. It really doesn’t want to play well with colour cubes. Walked Sasha. Walked to the gym, did Pump, walked home. Did the shopping list. Sat down and picked a lock. It’s surprising what bilge you can pick up from Amazon.
Well I mostly slept
Went to bed quite late last night, in the spare room again due to Jamie’s weird shifts. Read for a while and actually slept reasonably well. Today was all still on HDR. Have less issues to sort now but still quite a few, it’s certainly beginning to drag on a bit. Walked Sasha. Popped out this evening as I had a few bits to do. Went for a run. Lots more telly catchup.
Well that’s the worst night of non-sleep I’ve had in a long time
Didn’t really sleep at all last night. Ended up in my office reading a book, then tried to sleep in the spare room as I was getting hot and cold flushes and being very irritable. Started wok late. Still doing stuff on HDR, all went pretty much to plan but still have lots to do. Walked Sasha, just missed the rain. Walked to the gym, did the last Combat of the year, walked home. Watched lots of telly, still months behind. Jamie is on some weird shift again in the morning so think I’ll try and go in the spare room and get some sleep.
I shopped therefore I am
Started this morning with coffee, I’m sure the non-alcoholic lager gives me a bigger headache than the full fat stuff. Did a home check for a kitten, kitten didn’t mind. Walked Sasha. Had lunch and then drove towards town. Walked into town, bought some presents. Failed to buy some others. Walked back to car. Did accounts, had a bath. One more week of work left before Christmas, I’ll see how this weeks goes but I think the end is coming closer and closer, may be new year, do something different.
Can’t remember how much I slept for but it wasn’t enough
Did enjoy last nights book, half of Hollywood from the 80’s has now been raped, very odd for an autobiography. Started the morning with coffee and the paper. Finally got up and had hair cut. Apparently last visit was May, don’t expect the next one will be until about August. Walked Saha. Then tried to do a home check for a kitten, failed, booked for tomorrow instead. Finished off the plastering. Wait for it to dry, then ready for a bit of sanding and filling. Need to settle on some colours then.
Busy day mostly out tomorrow. Need to get a photo printed, do this home check for a kitten and go into town. Also have one lot of wine to stabilise, another batch is now brewing.
Four hours on, four hours off
So managed four hours sleep last night, just a shame I was awake the four hours before. Gone off cold again today. Booked haircut for tomorrow, last one was in April. Walked Sasha. Work was okay I guess, sorting out other elements of the HDR stuff. Walked to the gym, did Pump, picked up a paper and walked home. Do the washing, pizza and Alan Sugar. Think I’ll then have an early night as I’m really enjoying my book.
The science of sleep
So Monday night I only slept with the aid of drugs, Tuesday I was tired but didn’t sleep at all, Wednesday I slept several times and also woke up several times. Work went well today. Got on top of the HDR thing and got the results I wanted. Now passed everything over to an artist to twiddle with. Finished late, but was quite enjoying it and it was raining. Went out for a run afterwards. My Naked Wines order arrived, that’ll last a few days. Added the yeast to my next batch of Chenin Blanc.