Can’t complain once again, managed to repro some of the more obscure bugs from QA. I’ve had a good week work wise really, probably because a lot of people have been away. Nice weather today again. Walked Sasha. The dogs spent most of the day playing in the garden. Walked to gym, did Pump. Walked home, hatched yet another Snorlax, but still no Lapras.
A day of bugs. Well a day of bug fixing. Once again, can’t complain, all basically went according to plan. Walked Sasha in some nice sunshine, we did milk it a bit as its been the best day in a while. Had a walk this evening via the long way round to the pet shop to pickup some crickets. It’s usually this time of year we are in Turkey, but due to our rather extravagant May holiday, tattoos and the rather bad political situation over there we gave it a miss this year. I do miss it, FaceBook keeps showing me photos from over the years. We will go back next year I hope.
Well I still haven’t been arrested
Work again was fine. Can’t complain. Okay, I can. Weather was a bit pants again to be honest. Walked Sasha, no issues there on second attempt when it wasn’t raining. Went for a run this evening. Decided not to go Pokemon hunting again in case I get arrested.
“Excuse me sir, but you fit a description…”
Work was okay I guess. Just cracked on with it after convincing an artist that the colour channel was not being stored in gamma space. Anyway, Bokeh is all finished now. Walked Sasha. Weather has been dry but fairly miserable, I think it’s fairly set like that for the week. Popped out this evening while some data was building. Walked round a field that was supposed to be spawning exeggcute nest, but after a few laps a policeman appeared. Apparently I matched the description of someone who snatched a bag. I have nothing to hide so divulged my details. This tea-leaf was apparently chased and jumped out in front of a police car. I was obviously not out of breath but did match the description of ‘a beard’ and ‘blue tracky bottoms’. After a few minutes the police car which was doing the chasing turned up and I was about a foot too short and about twenty-five years too old. There was a ‘thank you for your time’ and I was back walking round a field. Still, broke up the evening a bit.
So I spent the evening rubbing a spoon on Jamie’s forehead
Work was fine if a bit slow. Took Dillon to vets first thing, all good, he can have his cone of shame off now. Weather was a bit crappy. Walked Sasha, at least it was dry then. Walked t gym, did Combat. Walked home. Did more work. Ate dinner then spent the evening rubbing Jamie’s forehead with a spoon. Something different I guess.
R44 is go go go
Can’t complain. We had sex, wasn’t the best we’d ever managed but certainly the first in several weeks. I had breakfast and coffee. Then we took the dogs to the field, which is as close as we get to a family day out. We lost a ball, I almost lost a lead, much fun was had. Quick lunch and then drove up to Staverton. Did an hour practice and then did my test. I flew very well, even if I do say so myself. No problems at all, slopes were a bit dodgy, so only land on flat ground. I’m now licensed to fly a half million pound helicopter that has a ten litre engine and is capable of flying at a hundred and twenty miles an hour. Pointless, but hey, great fun.
Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing
So I actually got up early, had coffee and breakfast and waited for the mega bowels to open, which they duly did. Headed out at 9AM for a two and a half hour journey to Milton Keynes. No hold ups or problems to speak off. Arrived about eleven thirty. Was planning on doing the computing museum first, but hey ho, parked up now. Miserable day, overcast skies and fairly cold, I was wearing shorts. I must admit I found the whole thing absolutely fascinating. I really enjoyed walking round all the huts and reading every board with all the information. It really was ‘my thing’. At about 3PM I walked the 300M to the computing museum. Once again I was totally in my element, seeing the rebuild of the Tunny machine and the Colossus. Jamie would of hated it. Drove home very satisfied, stopped and grabbed a garage sandwich. Very nice drive home, no hold ups. Had a shower then Jamie and I went for a lovely meal at the Aztec. It was a nice way to end off a lovely day for me. Sorry, but I won’t be pressured into doing something I’m uncomfortable with. Tomorrow is another big day, but in a different kind of way.
Today nothing happened
I took the day off work today especially to do something, even if it would have been shit. As it happened, nothing happened. Went to the gym. Tomorrow I’m off somewhere where I’ve always wanted to go….Milton Keynes….okay, not Milton Keynes, but not far from it.
I lied in the bath and couldn’t remember how old I was
Started on time and I really can’t complain about work at all. Got the PC version of Bokeh working and before I knew it, it was time to clock off. Walked Sasha. I then planned on going to Clevedon for a bit and then Staverton, but as it happened I made it to Clevedon and then drove pretty much straight to Staverton. The weather was really weird, there was serious fog all over Gloucester. We made it in the air anyway and did the necessary hour required. Drove home, was planning on going back to Clevedon but due to traffic that wasn’t on the cards, so just got home and went out for a walk instead. I’m slightly pissed off, bumped into Lisa over last weekend, I said at the time that I’d rather eat my own foot than go into town on an evening, so Jamie has arranged to go into town on Saturday evening, I’ve now arranged to take myself off somewhere on my own for the weekend. Shame, I would have liked to spend some time with my husband, but if he goes directly against my wishes then I’ll do my own thing, after all it’s not like we haven’t been together for the last week, oh know, we haven’t.
Finally caved in and booked a day off, well one and a half in fact
Started this morning and decided I couldn’t really face much more this week so booked tomorrow afternoon and Friday off. Felt somewhat better after that and cracked on pretty well. Left Sasha for Jamie to walk today, I went out for a bit myself. Went out again this evening. So the plan is to go down to Clevedon again tomorrow afternoon for a couple of hours and then drive up to Staverton. Do my last flight with Ben. I’ve then got my test booked for Sunday.