Yes I just spent a ton at ‘build-a-bear’

Started this morning with cereal, coffee, the paper and a hand job. So quite a good start. Managed to get Sasha out for a walk before it absolutely hammered down, it caught us in the last few minutes. We then picked up my nephew and headed to Cribs. Had lunch at Wagamamas, which was nice. Went for the hot and spicy curry, it was quite mild by my standards, but then again I like a curry that can melt steel. Went to ‘build a bear’, looking for the Pikachu and Eevee. Then had one Eevee left, so I let my nephew have it. We took out a couple of gyms, as you do. Came home, watched a bit of telly and I ordered both the Pikachu and the Eevee online. Jamie is now cooking. Looks like we have enough ravioli to feed eight.

I’m peeling and I paid bloody good money for that ink

Started on time (vaguely). Spent all day sorting out particles, I think I have everything working now. Got ready to take Sasha out and noticed both her and Jamie had vanished. So ended up working far too long instead. Did an interview this afternoon, wasn’t in the mood for it, wanted to crack on. Walked to the gym, did Pump, Laverne likes the new tattoo. I’ve booked the R44 for Sunday, so will get started in that. Need to do about five hours, but it will be nice just to have a go in it. Tattoo has got to the peeling stage now, so lots of flaking coloured skin, which is a bit weird to be honest. Weather due to be crap tomorrow so play it by ear I think.

Okay, so apparently only twenty to go

Started a bit late, but as I spent most of the night thinking about work anyway I think that’s perfectly acceptable. Spent all day stopping a particle system crashing if it runs out of memory, such is the joy of life. Walked Sasha, had to wear two t-shirts to keep the sun off. Did a load more work, including an interview. Went for a run this evening. Feel quite tired. Think I’ll have a glass of wine and head off to bed. Apparently it’s 142 to fill the UK Pokedex.

Need to plan for my next tattoo now…..

No problems this morning, other than I found that I slept on my arm and now have a perfect imprint of Pikachu on the bed sheet. I guess you sweat out ink at night, I paid for that, didn’t want to lose it. Work was fine I guess, spent a lot of it waiting for data. Cleaners turned up, the one which left, didn’t. Walked Sasha in mostly drizzle. Went for a walk this evening and it was actually quite pleasant if a little chilly. It’s certainly getting darker earlier now which is always a sad time of year.

It was mildly irritating, like talking to mother

Started very early this morning. Had breakfast and coffee so I could fire up the bowels. All went according to plan, fully excavated. Drove down and parked closed to Gloucester Road. Walked down to Ben Boston’s place, arrived half an hour early. Ben was already there setting up. I waited on the couch. Called in on time, well, I say in, but really its just the other side of a partition. Asked to stand side on, he sat in a chair and started work with a Sharpie. Twenty minutes later and he was done. Took my original design that Rob did and transformed it into a masterpiece. Got the Suspension Bridge and balloons in as well. I had a pee break and then we got started. Well he did, I just sat there. It was an odd sensation, not what I was expecting at all, wouldn’t say it was painful, a couple of places tinged a bit. Took about an hour to do the outline, even managed to get in the Severn Tunnel. Had a short break and then he cracked on for four hours in total. Reckons there is another three hours to do. Came back home and went back to work, so got a good half day in. Walked Sasha.

Here’s the result:





Twenty-three to go

So started this morning breakfast and coffee. Walked Sasha, tried to get out of the midday sun. I’ve had so much factor fifty on my left arm it’s probably doubled its value. Oddly did some work for an hour and a half, had to prepare an analysis which I did, which is already being moaned about. My own time well spent as usual. Did the accounts, had lunch and then headed out. Spent over an hour in Queens Square looking for a certain Pokemon, managed a whole two of them. Found a few other interesting ones around town though. Nice afternoon I guess. Finally got enough Magicarps to evolve. This evening I sat down and threw a lucky egg and did an evolving session. I now only have twenty-three entries to fill in my Pokedex. Okay, there are 146 but three are not available in the UK.

Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting and life altering day. As I’m spiralling towards death at a hell of a rate of knots, no time to regret anything, plus at the end of the day, I am a bit of a showoff.

Successful morning with fellow geeks walking round a golf course

Started early with breakfast and coffee. Walked Sasha. Then headed out to Shirehampton in search of a certain Pokemon. Wasn’t long before I met up with some fellow geeks, two guys and a girl. We were soon all walking round with our phones being warned by golfers about stray balls. These guys thought I was twenty-four, I liked these people. I needed six, bought caught seven with time to spare. New friends added to Facebook. Headed home. Got picked up and went to BBQ at my sisters. Nice chilled out vibe there today, good conversation, few games of pool, good times. Nice day, no complaints.

Yes I spent five hour walking round a field catching Charmanders

Started this morning with breakfast and coffee. Read the paper. Then took Sasha out for a reasonable walk. Had a quick lunch, there was a little shower of rain but not much more. Then I headed out to Downend again. Parked in the park and set off. Caught a few Charmanders then started fallowing a chap around who seemed to know all the spawn locations. We got chatting, he was a bit odd, but confessed he’d lost over a stone by walking round, so full congratulations to him. He needed another six but had to head off to a wedding. We also met up with a uni student (he was quite cute), and together we worked as a team, covering about five square miles between us, waving at each other when a new one appeared. We also met up with some ‘lads’ later in the day, people I’d probably normally avoid. Nice as pie. One was huge, he could have taken me and uni guy out with one swing of his buttock. We all got chatting, all about Pokemon. No one felt uneasy, no one felt threatened, everything was just fine. We were all standing around holding hundreds of pounds of technology, we were joined by a couple of young kids, multiple generations of people, all very ordinary, all getting on ‘just fine’, through the mutual love of a very simple game. If it’s done nothing else at all, it’s brought a very odd combination of people together. So Nintic, if you’ve done nothing else, congratulations on making the world a slightly better place.

Sometimes I get something right, just not very often

Work was oddly fun today. After finishing of battling with shaders I decided to write a new anti-aliasing system, whats more it even appears to work. Sometimes I get things right, just not very often. Took Sasha out for a longer walk today, only had time for lunch before it was off to the gym. Had a few beers in the evening with my sister. As the aircraft is out of action that kind of knackers my weekend up somewhat.

Most of the fajita sauce is off this shirt now

Finished off all the shaders today, thankfully. Hopefully have a quick play with something new in the morning. Walked Sasha and it started raining so cut it short and went to the bank and put a cheque in, yes they still exist and also picked up mother’s battery. It’s got a three year warranty so will far outlive her. Went for a run this evening, it was due to rain but stayed clear until I was about ten feet from the door so timed that just about perfectly.