I won’t bang on bout work, it was very frustrating and not much progress was made. Getting pissed off with the weather. Managed to walk Sasha in the dry. But by the evening it was drizzling again. Managed to go for a six mile run and only had a couple of gentle showers. Leg was well behaved. After re-syncing everything the FitBit is now talking to MyFitnessPal again. I’ve also now synced FitBit to Vitality Health, so I now get a free cinema ticket every week and twenty quid iTunes voucher every month, so worth doing that I guess.
Now my FitBit won’t talk to MyFitnessPal again
Work was mainly dull as all it was really was syncing and building data, basically making sure I hadn’t broken anything with all my changes before checking it all in. Data builds are still going on now. Managed to walk Sasha in the dry, although the weather looked very gloomy right until the point we got home again. Then started raining and basically hasn’t stopped since. So this evening I drove to the gym and spent over an hour on an elliptical trainer. My FitBit wouldn’t change from ‘run’, I’ve reset it now and it works again. Now though it doesn’t want to sync to MyFitnessPal, nothing ever works together at the same time.
There is nothing quite like the smell of ‘wet dog’
Miserable weather today. Got stuck into work, had a hell of a lot to do. I still reckon I have a day left on this task, so a couple of days over the estimate. Walked Sasha in the rain. She came back and had that wonderful ‘wet dog’ smell as she insisted on lying down behind my office chair. Walked to Combat in the rain. Walked home in more rain. Did more work. Dillon barked continuously tone let out. I let him out and forgot about him as he was off munching apples. About half hour later he started barking again. He’s now on the couch next to me…more ‘wet dog’.
I’m getting the hang of this ‘passengers’ thing
Started this morning fairly early, I think it was due to going to bed at a reasonable hour. Coffee, paper, porn, usuals. Then route marched Sasha for a couple of hours, picked up some more Pokemon. Had a quick bite and then picked up my dear friend Laverne. She’s one of my oldest and closest friends, we have known each other for about fifteen years and there is very little we don’t know about each other. To say she was nervous was an understatement, we drove up to Staverton and she did what she does well, talk a lot. We got to Staverton and the Red Barron was already out doing circuits. I checked in with Ben and we did the paperwork. We were soon on the tarmac and getting Laverne into the ‘copter. GoPro was setup and off we went. She was absolutely silent for probably about twenty minutes. I told her that she had to keep breathing. By the time we got over to Wales she was fine and chatting away again and enjoying the view. We flew down to the old Severn bridge and then dipped down into the Wye valley back to Gloucester. She really enjoyed it. Had a quick beer with Ben afterwards and drover her back. Went in search of a few more Pokemon. Had a bath. I enjoyed this weekend, very relaxing.
If the police were out looking for terrorists today, they would have had no chance
Started the way I like to start Saturdays, in bed. Drank coffee, had breakfast and read the papers. Finally got out and took Sasha out for a two hour route march collecting Pokemon. Came back and recharged everything, a light lunch and then headed towards town. There was a ‘gathering’ at Castle Park for Pokemon hunting. I parked up in Cotham and walked down. The park was absolutely rammed with people, all head down in their phones. Most had wires going from them into backpacks. Police would have had a field day searching for bombs. It was a very pleasant atmosphere. I worked the hat and appropriate t-shirt, no one else did! I saw one other hat and that was it. Spent about an hour and a half there walking about. With a few tricks I managed to go from level sixteen now up to level twenty, quite pleased with that. It’s a hell of a jump though up to level twenty one. Walked back to the car and picked up a couple of bits for mother and dropped them off. Got some minor flight planning to do, weather looking good, new victim to take up tomorrow.
Pump was almost normal, except about a third of the weight
Woke up late. I blame Jamie for that, he was apparently awake all night and then slept all day. Work was fine I guess. Got stumped by one rather tricky issue which threw me for a few hours. Briefly walked Sasha as I really had to get back to work, plus it was boiling hot. Walked to Pump. Did it pretty much as normal, but now being four months down the line the weights I’m using are stupid. I will have to build it back up again over the next month or so before I start working out with Laverne again. Came home and did more work. Work, work, work.
Christopher Biggins says he can be a bit anal, go on, make up your own gag
Another long day. Work went well, just there was a lot of it. Current task though is almost complete, there is light at the end of the very long tunnel. Walked Sasha. I’m sure they’ve changed the Pokemon Go heuristic, they now escape far too often. Went for a three mile run this evening, leg failed to fall off. Booked aircraft for Sunday. Just sat down to watch the start of Celeb BB, Chris Biggins, this one maybe a watcher…
Apparently there is time between work and sleep, not sure I’ve found it yet
So today was very long and only just finished. That’s more overtime that I’ll never see, mind you I guess the basic isn’t bad. The task that I spent ages being somewhat scared of is now almost complete bar the tweaking, and that can come much later on. So apart from taking Sasha out lunchtime I haven’t done much else. Still, with that walk I’m up to level sixteen.
Well I evolved a few Pokemon
Had a cracking work day today. After spending yesterday mainly procrastinating with various notepads and post-it notes, today I actually sat down and wrote some code. And at the end of the day it even works. A lot more to do on it, but pleased with the progress. Waked Sasha, now almost up to level sixteen. Apparently it gets very dull after level twenty and finishes at about level thirty. I think level twenty two will be my challenge, have to put an ‘end game’ somewhere or it will just go on forever.
For the first time in months my leg felt almost ‘normal’
Usual Monday morning problems. Took me a while to get into the swing of things. But today I felt very much like a solicitor, basically I was just charging for ‘thinking’ time. I have an extremely tricky work task, and I really have to think about it hard. I haven’t written a line of code today, all thought. Took Sasha out and caught some Pokemon, almost up to level fifteen now. Walked to the gym, did Combat, walked home and then picked up Jamie. For the first time in months my leg hasn’t given me any grief. Okay, there is still some pain, but I managed to do Combat almost normally. I hope it continues to go this way.