Then I had to borrow Dec’s suit

So for some reason I was at the final of ‘Pop Idol’, in competition with another guy. He sang and whinged about the quality of one of the speaker stacks. It was my turn and decided I wasn’t really dressed appropriately, so ended up borrowing Dec’s suit. He’s a bit more tubbier than I’d imagined.

The other dream I had was about clearing out earwax.

We headed out up a couple of junctions on the I5 to Knott’s Berry farm. It was a lot more crowded than Six Flags the day before. Still we were there pretty much all day and had a good time (watch the video). Came back and changed then had a rather excessive (in quantity) meal at the hotel restaurant. Early night, no sexy time.

Six flags with steak

So we started off late. We eventually left the hotel at gone 11AM. Which wasn’t great as it was almost a two hour drive to Six Flags. The good news was thought that the park was pretty empty and everything was just pretty much walk-on. We did a whole range of coasters, the bulk of which we’d done before anyway. Finished off the day on ‘Twisted Colossus’, which threw up a few surprises. Had a two hour drive back in LA traffic. Changed and headed next-door to a rather nice steak house ‘Outback’, they did ‘Shocktop’. I had steak, I even had it with some pink in the middle, it was very good, considering I don’t like steak. So a nice day all in all.

Getting shit-faced at Disney’s California Adventure

So started this morning early but it didn’t really go to plan. After gentle sexual contact I got up and had cereal and coffee. The video had only just finished uploading, that’s almost an eight hour upload. We finally got out just after 11AM and headed down to Disney’s California Adventure park. To be honest we’ve done all the rides here multiple times so were in no hurry to queue up for anything. We ended up doing the coaster twice and then the toy story midway ride. Did Tower of Terror twice and then had a very long and expensive lunch with a nice bottle of wine and cocktails. Afterwards we just meandered round a bit and did a couple more rides. Finally we were seated for the ‘dessert party’ where we sat at a high table and drank vodka while watching the show. We then wandered back to the hotel. Very nice relaxing day.

If Disney banned arse’s over 200 pounds they would have far more space

So this morning started at 6AM, that’s the time I was awake anyway. As this is a fairly decent hotel there was Starbucks Coffee available, so I got that on the go. Also, I had last nights cheesecake to get through. Halfway through the coffee and my bowels were very stimulated, I had one of the biggest clear outs in recent times. I felt somewhat sore and empty afterwards. We eventually started the walk down to Disney, took about half-hour. Not the nicest weather on the planet, a bit chilly and overcast. Still, we made the best of it. Got on every ride. Watched the parade and the fireworks. If you want to see the complete vlog then go to

From London to LAX

If you want the latest and greatest blog then please visit I’m really far too knackered to write anything more today.

Okay, it’s the morning after the day before so I’m a bit more awake now. It’s actually just gone 8AM, I was awake at 6:30AM, feeling very refreshed.

So yesterday was a bloody long day, it was a day plus eight hours. Started fairly early, we checked out of the hotel and drove to Heathrow, no real traffic, all good. Dropped off car no problems directly at terminal. Bag drop took longer than I’d have liked but no issues. We then went through security and checked into our ‘lounge’, this is something I’d just got a ‘card’ for, still cost thirty quid for the two of us but it was much more civilised than having to be around common people. Had some breakfast and coffee. Had a sneaky vodka before we went straight to the gate and walked straight on the plane. We had nice seats in the business cabin with the brand new entertainment system. Got settled in with more sparkling wine. The next ten hour consisted mainly of eating and drinking. We had real glasses and cutlery, with decent food. I watched three films, some cartoons and listened to some music. Plane was very quiet, very new 787 dream liner, these are the ones that catch on fire on the tarmac, we had no such issues.

LAX was fine, straight through and picked up luggage. Got bus to Alamo, I jumped off the bus and got straight in the queue, which was a very wise move as I had to wait half an hour and I was second in line. All the staff seemed to serve one person and then clock off, it was very piss poor service. If I hadn’t had jumped off the bus I would have easily been there another two hours. Picked a Nissan Altima, there were about five to choose from, got a silver one, it worked. Drove to Anaheim in LA traffic, which is always fun, five different high-ways. Got there in just over an hour. Nice hotel, checkin was a breeze, good room on the sixteenth floor. We had a little sit down and I did the first part of the video edit. We then ventured out to Downtown Disney, which was about a twenty or so minute walk. By the time we got there I was really hanging, it was gone 5AM UK time. We walked round for a bit and then headed back towards the hotel direction. We then went to the ‘Cheesecake Factory’, ate a massive dinner, had a couple of really nice ‘Blue Moon’ draft beers and then walked back to the hotel. I did the last of the video edits, exported the video and started the upload, it was 140 minutes to go…I just left the laptop on and went to bed.

So bye bye FitBit for three weeks

Sorry updating today rather than yesterday because the wifi in last nights hotel like every thing else there cost far too much money. So had coffee and cereal as usual then walked Sasha for a good two hours, it was going to be the last walk we had for quite some time. It was a beautiful hot day, she enjoyed it. Then it was packing up the car with a ton of dog food and doggy drop-off. They were eager to go and happy to get there. I think they actually have a pretty good time socialising with all the other doggies. Then I can back and spent the next three hours doing some fairly serious packing. Did the accounts and photocopied lots of stuff. We eventually left at about half seven. Arrived at hotel by nine. Had to pay fifteen quid parking. We ate at the sports bar which kind of took us to the US a bit early. Service was a bit dire, food was fine, first beer in about two weeks, gave me a headache. We couldn’t get the TV to work in the room so I went straight to sleep.

Got up at 7:30, had a shower. Drove to Heathrow Terminal 3, found the car drop-off, all rather painless. All checked in. Now eating breakfast at one of those posh ‘lounges’ which I now have a card for. I had cornflakes, Jamie has eggs Benedict. Now just waiting for the departure time. Then its a nice short eleven hour flight.

Bye bye the twat in the red trousers

Got up this morning at just gone 8AM. Had coffee, read the paper. Went to hairdresser for 10AM. Hair cut for twelve quid, got far more grey than I’d like. Went to Pet’s or us, they didn’t have any crickets. Got some petrol, had lunch. Drove to pet shop and got crickets. Did a home check for a cat on the way back. Started packing, three hours later and most of it was done. Went out for a walk. Came back and added a load of stuff I thought of while I was out. Had a bath. Phoned mother and heard her moan about her strimmer. She kept asking me about if I was going to post anything about the holiday anywhere, I said no.

But the good news is that, that twat George Fergusan has been turfed out. Sorry, but RPZ’s are one thing but all these damn 20MPH zones are a complete nightmare, never known anyone quite so ‘anti-car’. Been replaced by some Labour guy, lets give him four years and see what a pigs ear he can make of the job.

So this will be the longest break I’ve had off work in twenty-seven years

So started my last day with an interview. I was doing the interviewing, not the other way round. It was fine, but these things are always a tad dull. Then synced up everything and watched it crash. Walked Sasha in the sun. Came back and did my last few hours. Still ended up knocking off almost an hour after I was supposed to. So that’s it, all logged off. This will be the longest break I’ve had off working fro twenty-seven years. I’m sure it will be awful. Did a home check for a dog. I’m a bit on the fence with this one. Am I right to judge someone’s ability to take a dog on from their circumstances? Yes. Dropped keys off at my sisters and then walked home on a very pleasant evening. Must think about packing.

I really must think about packing

So started a bit later today as I was somewhat knackered yesterday after a very long day, sex as well, first time in weeks. Finished off the SDK updated then had to do a load of memory saving stuff with shader binaries, yep, that’s as exciting as it sounds. I think the summer is here for two days, walked Sasha in just a t-shirt (I had bottoms on as well). Went out this evening and picked up a couple of Geocaches, felt quite knackered though, walked too much yesterday. Sorted out iPad Air for holiday, intro video installed and ready in FCPX. I’ve got the Hero 4, three batteries and a dual charger, plus about 1TB of flash storage. That’s all I’m taking this time. Also have a little tripod and various mounts. Got a helicopter flight booked in Miami, that’ll be a cool way to round off the holiday. Must think about packing, ah, maybe tomorrow.

I think I was on the train longer than I was in the meeting

So woke up at 6:15, had breakfast and coffee. Bowels kicked into action. Drove to Parkway at 7:30, on train at 8:03. In London 9:35, in office 10:15. Left office 12:30. Walked back to Paddington for 14:30. Got the 14:45. Back at Parkway for 16:15, home at 16:30. Had lunch and then took Sasha for a walk. A new Geocache came up. Walked the mile and a bit then failed to find it. Got some milk. Ate. Going to have a bit more food then head off to bed. Looks like Miami helicopter flight isn’t going to happen as then only day we have the car is memorial day.