Blake’s 7 now becomes 6

Started at a reasonable time, played around with buffers a bit more but didn’t really gain any ground. Did a load of other stuff which did work though and gave me a nice frame rate boost. Tried to find a new Geocache first thing and failed. Walked Sasha in the sun. Went for a run this evening. Now going to settled down and watch the last half hour of my German spy drama.

Sad news today about Gareth Thomas, Rog Blake from Blake’s 7. Although he wasn’t in half of it. Grew up with that with it’s wobbly sets and dodgy plot-lines.

My new bike is still in the lounge in it’s box, in front of the coffee table, the weekend perhaps.

Trying to do with DirectX what David Cameron does with his tax returns

So started a little bit earlier and cracked on. Had a pretty fun day today, first with trying to figure out the best way to get a CPU fence running on DX11. It seemed to be a bit driver dependent on if it worked or not. As it happened I didn’t really need it anyway. Then spent the rest of the day trying to convince the driver to do what I wanted it to do and not what I wanted. It was very much like David Cameron’s tax return, there was nothing technically illegal but wasn’t really in the spirit of the rules. I will get it to work how I want, just needs a bit more twiddling. New bike arrived, in a shipping container, ‘some self assembly required’, I may as well buy that steel company cheap and make it from the component parts. I’m sure it’ll just need the pedals and bars attaching…and probably the wheels, brakes, okay, everything. Walked to the gym, did Pump, my leg is feeling better this evening, but I couldn’t get my sock on again this morning. I now have pains elsewhere so I think I’ve screwed over a whole set of muscles or I’m about to explode.

So German subtitles can be quite rewarding

My leg is still very painful, if I don’t move it. Cracked on with work, had a much better day at it today, very enjoyable, good stuff done and plenty of ideas to go on with. I’m sure it’ll all turn to shit tomorrow. Walked Sasha in quite warm weather, compared to yesterday where it felt like the arctic again. Went for a run early evening, very nice. Had a shower and then settled down to my East German spy thriller, which is 100% subtitled. It’s bloody hard gong but very enjoyable, only a couple more episodes to go. Then tried to stand up and couldn’t, probably need to go running again.

Groaning groin

I’ve definitely pulled something, I woke up this morning and couldn’t even put my sock on. Oddly when I’m moving around I’m fine, but sitting an lying down is painful. Anyway, Monday being Monday, work wise not much happened. Spent all day building data and stuff, still, all set for a more interesting day tomorrow anyway. Walked Sasha in the rain, which just kept hammering down until the end of the day. Walked to the gym, it had stopped raining, did Combat, which was painful and then took a long walk home as it was actually quite a pleasant evening. Did more work. Sat on couch, groin hurts. Think I’ll go to bed and put some heat on it.

A lot of things have been updated, the carpet isn’t one of them

So Saturday morning I decided, that as Jamie was working all weekend, that I would take mother out. Okay, technically she would be taking me out as she was driving, but I was going to pay for it all. So I gave her a call and all was sorted. I had the usual breakfast with the dogs, coffee and cereal, then fixed the heating mid-position valve. I then walked Sasha for ages, had a light lunch and went into town. Failed to buy anyway and came home. Had a shower and off we went. Bingo had been somewhat updated a bit, there were now ninety year olds with tablets rather than paper tickets, all they had to do was prod the screen when a number was called. Whats the point in that? Surely the fun is stamping your ticket with a ver leaky marker pen. We failed to win anything. We then went to the Indian and were greeted as if we’d been in there the day before. Nothing had changed, including the carpet. But apparently renovations were in the pipeline and everything was being revamped. Still, the food was good as normal. So why did I suddenly decided it would be a great idea to take mother out? Well, she’s seventy-eight, no spring chicken, and I think I’ve got to the point now where I look at it like this: We had a good night out, if we don’t have another one then I can look back at it and say we enjoyed it. She probably isn’t long for this world, so take each curry year by year. It was a good night, I can’t complain at all. When I got home, Jamie was fast asleep. I curled up beside him, knowing that I’d actually done some good karma for once.

So today I really needed to physically relax. My left ball and groin is hurting like fuck, I’ve strained something (don’t worry folks, I spent a good hour in the bath this evening checking for lumps and bumps and I’m vary familiar with my own balls). So I only walked Sasha for two hours. I’ve spent the day doing a trailer for our new vlog series on YouTube for our upcoming holiday. Yes, I spent another sixty quid on FCPX plug-ins, but I really enjoy video editing, I find it very relaxing.

The other thing I did today was setup my new iPhone 6SE. All good. I really like it. I had to do a sim swap, it said, “Will take up to 48 hours”. It took nine seconds. So now my old HTC One-M8 has been consigned to the drawer of dead phones, I never really liked the bloody thing anyway. It was enormous and ugly. The 6 SE is the size of a 5. Plus it does everything I want and I know how to use it. Sorry Android, I know you are for the greater good, but as far as usability is concerned, Apple has you nailed. It’s on a two year contract, lets see where we are in 2018…..

It must be the month of financial institutions to annoy me

It’s my birthday. Yay. So started work early. Was working on a bug which really was someone else’s, but can appreciated that they would never get to it in a million years, so I needed up fixing it. Which pleased an artist, I must be in a good mood. Nipped out and got another Geocache, then walked Sasha. Okay, I had a two and a half hour lunch break, but I’d already made up the time this week anyway. My new iPhone arrived, very nice, except it turned up with an iPhone 6 accessary kit, not an SE one. Rang up Barclays, as my iMac should have been interest free until September. Spoke to an Indian call centre, after about ten minutes he passed me to an English one, she was very apologetic, they better not fuck it up. Walked to gym, did Pump. Came home and worked more bloody overtime. I’m now having a very very fattening pizza and some beer, I’m going to enjoy it.

So I’m going back to an iPhone

After years of basically getting pissed off trying to get an Android phone to work, or even make a bloody call, I decided to go back to an iPhone. So today I ordered a new iPhone 6SE. I’m sure I’ll get pissed off with it in a week, but it can’t be any more annoying than my HTC M8, plus its half the size. I also bought myself a birthday present, after all, what a forty-four year old needs is a 20 inch bike to get to the gym on, plus it was a good price. I still can’t understand what Standard Life have managed to do, but as it looks like it’s fairly set in stone I’m not going to complain about it too much.

Just started work and I got an email about a Geocache 0.6 miles away, I downed my coffee and headed straight out, I got it within thirty minutes of it being published, and was ‘first to find’. Weather was nice but chilly. Walked Sasha and went out for a run this evening.

I need to repair the heating and the coffee machine this weekend. Joy.

Financial institutions work in weird ways

I logged into Standard Life first thing, what it told me was totally bizarre, I’m going to leave it to settle down for a few days as at the moment it makes no sense whatsoever. So spent the day bug hunting again, I want to get all the art issues out of the way before starting on my next bit so I don’t get any interruptions. Walked Sasha, was a little bit rainy and inconsistent, but we got round no problem. Walked to the gym, did Pump with the woman who overdoes her eyeliner. Built up a little extra time this week so I can get out a bit on Friday.

So brewing season has now officially finished

So for one day at least I didn’t look at any pensions or investments. Bug hunting pretty much all day. Nice weather though, walked Sasha. Went out for a nice run this evening and then bottled the last of the wine. Yield was twenty-eight and a half bottles, so can’t complain. Now trying to sort out airport parking, do have the option of an executive car from a friend of mine, it’s a bit pricey still, mind. We may end up going the night before as it’s a Sunday, then having a relaxing night and just going to the airport the day after.

So my thirteen year investment plan begins

Started pretty much on time. Work was fairly dull, finishing one bit off, and then sorting out some issues with an old project, that kept me going for pretty much the whole of the rest of the day. Walked Sasha in rather annoying drizzle, which turned heavier on the return journey. When I got back I finally stopped peeing around with my spreadsheet and finally did a transfer into my pension. So this one and the scheduled one will put quite a large lump sum into a new pension. Since all the rules have changed and you no longer have to buy an annuity I’m now treating it more like a thirteen year tax free investment. The rules of course may very well change again, but as it stands you can’t draw it down until you are fifty-seven and then only 25% of it is tax free, after that it’s treated under normal tax rules. Walked to the gym, did Combat, walked back and did far too much work. Rinsed my bottles, the Pinot will be ready to bottle tomorrow.